Saturday, June 7, 2014

Couple watching for the ISS sees UFO instead

A husband and wife in the Lincolnshire, England city of Lincoln were watching the skies for the International Space Station (ISS) on the night of Thursday, June 5. But the couple’s sky watching turned out to be more exciting than they had anticipated when a UFO appeared in the sky.

View of Lincoln Castle in Lincoln, Lincolnshire. (Credit: Karen Roe/Wikimedia Commons)
View of Lincoln Castle in Lincoln, Lincolnshire. (Credit: Karen Roe/Wikimedia Commons)

This couple was reportedly gazing skyward around 10:00 p.m. The wife, Gail Phillips, explained to the Lincolnshire Echo that they spotted the ISS, but then they noticed a UFO just hovering in the sky. She explains, “We watched it for about 30 seconds before we thought we would record it . . . We thought it was too dark to be a remote helicopter and then it started to move backwards which was a little strange.”

The movement of the UFO is strange, but does resemble that of a remote-controlled craft equipped with lights for night flights. But it is unknown if that is what the witnesses actually saw above Lincoln.
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