Saturday, July 5, 2014

British high on CANNIBAL DRUG bites people on Magaluf beach in SPAIN

British high on CANNIBAL DRUG bites people on Magaluf beach in SPAIN.A drugged British tourist has been arrested for biting several bathers on the Magaluf beach.It's thought the 28 year old had taken the 'Cannibal' drug.The drug is usually sold on the Internet as 'bath salts', and the white powder is smoked or sniffed.

Eleven policemen were needed to detain the man, who seemed to be outside himself, later admitting he had taken 'a load of drugs'.

The experts think he used 'Cannibal' as this increases aggressiveness to the extreme. The drug has become popular on Ibiza where at least four people have been hospitalised in recent days, having consumed the drug.

The Guardia Civil think a large cargo of the drug had arrived on the Baleares, and was now being distributed in the nightclubs.

The drug is more extended in the United States. In 2012 the Miami Police were obliged to kill a 31 year old man, who under the effects of this drug had eaten the face of a beggar.

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