Sunday, October 19, 2014

Three ‘football field sized’ UFOs reported low by multiple West Virginia witnesses

Os reported low by multiple West Virginia witnesses
Ten witnesses watched the three football field-sized object moving silently at an altitude between 300 and 500 feet. Pictured: Marmet, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)
Ten witnesses watched the three football field-sized object moving silently at an altitude between 300 and 500 feet. Pictured: Marmet, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)
Ten West Virginia witnesses near Marmet working a coal plant evening shift reported watching three triangle-shaped UFOs the size of football fields silently moving under 500 feet, according to testimony in Case 60631 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The incident occurred at 10 p.m. on October 12, 2014, at the coal plant along Winifrede Hollow Road.
“The plant was down and there was no noises anywhere,” the reporting witness stated. “Me and nine other guys had just finished doing pipe repair and were standing outside leaning against trucks. One of the guys pointed up and said, ‘What is that?’”
The three UFOs moved overhead one after the other and were followed by a smaller object. Pictured: Marmet, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)
The three UFOs moved overhead one after the other and were followed by a smaller object. Pictured: Marmet, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)

The group of workers looked up to see the first object.
“We all looked up and saw a triangle-shaped object outlined in white lights the size of a football field coming up the hollow from the southwest [Beckley, WV area]. It might have been 300 to 500 feet above us. It was moving very slow and made no noise. We watched for about 3 or 4 minutes as it disappeared over the trees.”
The group watched as two more objects appeared.
“A few minutes later another one showed up behind it – the same shape and size and no noise. Another one showed up after that, same as before.”
Then a smaller fourth object was seen.
“After these three went by a small object with lots of red flashing appeared at the end of the line formation. They were all headed northwest towards Charleston, WV.”
The witnesses were amazed that there was no sound.
“What was strange about the objects was that there was no noises whatsoever – to be as close as they were, and their sizes. All of this took place in 15 minutes.”

The entire sighting last about 15 minutes as four unknown objects moved overhead. Pictured: Marmet, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)
The entire sighting last about 15 minutes as four unknown objects moved overhead. Pictured: Marmet, West Virginia. (Credit: Google)
Marmet is a city in Kanawha County, Virginia, population 1,503. West Virginia MUFON is investigating. West Virginia has a current UFO Alert Rating of 4 with a lower than average number of recent reports nationally. West Virginia had 4 UFO reports that occurred during September 2014 – calculated at 2.16 sightings per million population. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.


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