Monday, January 19, 2015

Albert Einstein Believed In Aliens, But Doubted Our Methods To Contact Them – Was He Right?

Albert Einstein, the man who correctly theorized astounding facts about our universe, also felt we were not alone in the cosmos. Moreover, Einstein speculated the reason we had not encountered any aliens was because the search methods were not ideal for the quest

 Einstein Was Confident About Aliens, not So Sure About Methods

Albert Einstein may have died about two years before man could hurled the first satellite into space – the sputnik – but space travel and rocket flight have been theorized and fantasized about for decades by then. Surprisingly, although the digital editions of Albert Einstein’s papers have been released, so far, none of them have made any mention about rockets or space travel. Even though Einstein’s contemporary, physicist Hermann Oberth, regularly discussed the possibility and practical application of rocket science and sending man into the space with the intention of studying the vast unknown beyond the confines of earth, Einstein seems to have ignored the subject in his papers.
Exploring the vast regions of outer space that had not been disturbed by humans was certainly a very exciting prospect, and Albert Einstein was already quite famous for postulating about the universe and the materials that made it up.
Hence, when a Daily Mail correspondent asked the Nobel laureate about his opinions on extra-terrestrial or alien life, Albert Einstein said, “There is every reason to believe that Mars and other planets are inhabited.” One can only wonder what qualified as life from Einstein’s perspective.
It seemed Einstein was pretty confident that earthlings are bound to run into aliens beginning with Mars. Though modern science has yet to find conclusive evidence of “life on Mars,” conspiracy theorists and UFO hunters are convinced that Einstein felt there was life on the red planet.
As with all of his ideas, Einstein had a hypothesis about alien life, stating, “Why should the earth be the only planet supporting human life? It is not singular in any other respect.”
Interestingly, Albert Einstein’s argument has been proven right on multiple occasions when the various international space agencies, the most notable being NASA, found multiple earth-like planets which could support life. Yet, no alien life has been found nor have any aliens tried to contact us, as far as we know, based on our current understanding of the concept of inter-species communication.
Apparently, Einstein had a clear idea why the aliens weren’t communicating, confidently declaring, “But if intelligent creatures do exist, as we may assume they do elsewhere in the universe, I should not expect them to try to communicate with the earth by wireless [radio].”
What Einstein was implying was that an organization like SETI, the world’s largest earth-based array of dishes tuned to listening for any “radio waves,” is simply wrong. At the very least, SETI’s methodology is not the ideal way of trying to communicate with aliens.
Instead, Einstein proposed another method of searching for life in the cosmos, saying,”Light rays, the direction of which can be controlled much more easily, would more probably be the first method attempted.”
Interestingly, it seems Albert Einstein might have been right about the approach being wrong. Though long radio waves more easily penetrate the pervasive dust in interstellar space, optical waves can be precisely aimed by any life-form actively looking to establish contact. Or is even that presumption an arrogant, human concept?


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