Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Aliens may have sent 'seeds' to create life on Earth, claims British scientist

A mysterious tiny metal orb has prompted a British scientist to suggest that aliens may have been the prime source of life on Earth

British scientist claims that aliens planted the 'seed of life' on Earth -

UK researcher and astrobiologist Milton Wainwright and his team are currently studying a microscopic metal globe that they found in Earth's atmosphere, the University of Buckingham reported.
The scientists claim that the dust particle can be an alien "seed of life" designed to create life on Earth.
The origin of the metal globe discharging biological matter is still unknown; but Wainwright claims that the object might have engineered life in our atmosphere.
Wainwright suggests: "The structure is made from titanium and vanadium with a 'gooey' biological liquid oozing from its centre."
"It is a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life on the outside and a gooey biological material," he said.
Earlier, it was revealed that DNA can survive even on the harshest climatic conditions, when a tiny strand of DNA was attached on the exterior of a TEXUS-49 rocket and was sent into the Earth's orbit from Sweden.
The DNA strand withstood up to 1000C temperatures and returned to Earth almost unharmed.
Scientists then discovered that extraterrestrial intelligent life can exist in the universe.
"This seeming piece of science fiction — called 'directed panspermia' — would probably not be taken seriously by any scientist were it not for the fact that it was very seriously suggested by the Nobel Prize winner of DNA fame, Francis Crick."
The theory of directed panspermia suggests that life does exist throughout the universe on the back of the comets and meteorites.
This was suggested by molecular biologists FHC Crick, the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA.
His research abstract on alien transmitting life on Earth reads:
It now seems unlikely that extraterrestrial living organisms could have reached the earth either as spores driven by the radiation pressure from another star or as living organisms imbedded in a meteorite. As an alternative to these nineteenth-century mechanisms, we have considered Directed Panspermia, the theory that organisms were deliberately transmitted to the earth by intelligent beings on another planet. We conclude that it is possible that life reached the earth in this way, but that the scientific evidence is inadequate at the present time to say anything about the probability. We draw attention to the kinds of evidence that might throw additional light on the topic.
Meanwhile, Wainwright took cue from the same theory and believes that the titanium globe has come from outer space or from a comet.
"For the moment, we are content to say that the life-containing titanium sphere came from space, possibly from a comet. NASA is currently sending a balloon into the stratosphere to look for life," he said.
"Hopefully they will get the same results as we have, whether or not they acknowledge what the team have found, or claim the discovery for themselves remains to be seen," Wainwright concluded.
Wainwright's discovery was reported by The University of Buckingham last month.

Kabita Maharana


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