Monday, May 11, 2015

New Book Claims US Presidents Know The Truth About Extraterrestrials


A new book claims that all presidents since the war, have known about alien visits to Earth. When U.S. President Reagan said he had met extraterrestrials, most Americans assumed he was kidding. President Barack Obama said in March 2012 landing at Roswell, New Mexico that “I come in peace.” The site is famous for the alleged alien spaceship crash landing.

When asked about the recovered extraterrestrial bodies from the wreckage, he said, “If I told you I would have to kill you… we’re going to keep our secrets here.”
A new book “The Presidents and UFOs: A Secret History From FDR to Obama” (Amazon link) claims that US presidents, from Roosevelt to Obama, have known of evidence regarding extraterrestrial visitation on Earth, leaving spaceship debris, alien corpse, and resulting in thousands of UFO sightings.
Recently, a leaked memo written by US Army chief of staff general Gorge C Marshall to President D Roosevelt in March 1942 reveals that “Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources that are in all probability of interplanetary origin.”
In a reply, President Roosevelt urged the “finding of practical uses for the atomic secrets learned from the study of celestial devices.”
In another memo from Roosevelt, he wrote, “coming to grips with the reality that our planet isn’t the only one harboring intelligent life in the universe.” He continued “We’ll take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us.”
The authenticity of the memos has been fiercely debated. These memos are just part of multiple pieces of evidence uncovered by Larry Holcombe in his new book.
Holcombe, 71, stresses that UFOs exist, and alien life has visited Earth. He explained that evidence is enormous that no reasonable person can deny the existence of extraterrestrials.
Actresses Lucille Ball and Shirley MacLaine, who were in a party together with actor Reagan, claimed Reagan told them that a UFO initially blocked his road to the party. An alien eventually came up and told Reagan to leave acting and go into politics.
President Harry S Truman had allegedly formed the Majestic 12 in 1942, a committee of scientists and military who secretly cover up extraterrestrial activities.
Late in the Second World War Dwight D Eisenhower supposedly met with Winston Churchill to discuss a close encounter of RAF reconnaissance aircraft with a UFO near the English coastline.
President John F Kennedy demanded to hand him over the CIA’s secret files. President Bill Clinton has once said that he attempted to get UFO information that was withheld from him. President Richard Nixon reportedly authorized a UFO documentary to use secret video of an alien craft landing but was stopped by intelligence chiefs.

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