Friday, June 5, 2015

UFO Caught Sucking Water Out Of California Lake, May 2015, UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: May 2015
Location of sighting: Nevada County, CA
Nevada News Source:

This sighting is of incredible value on many levels. 1st Its a pilot that took the photo. 2nd the pilot tried to radio communicate with the UFO. 3rd The UFO is not cloaked or even partly cloaked, its a freaking clear as day photo of the UFO! 4th this UFO is levitating water in a upward steam to the UFO. This is a sighting that will go down in history. As you can see its a very low populated area and they had little to fear. Is it really our water they are stealing or where they here first? Either way, our space brothers are welcome to help themselves. SCW

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