Tuesday, June 16, 2015

UFO Seen Over House In Aledo, Texas On June 9, 2015, UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: June 9, 2015
Location of sighting: Aledo, Texas, USA
Source: http://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=latest_reports
Report #: 66442

 Eyewitness states:

I work for a construction company and was on my lunch break on 06/09/15. I had noticed a large home being constructed about a half a mile away or so and thought I should take a picture to bring home and show my family. Once you see the size of the home you'll understand why something so simple caught my attention. My boss claims the house is around 25,000 square feet so it's not your average home by any stretch. Since I had a few minutes to kill I took out my cell phone and snapped a picture of the home. I use a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone and considering the distance I had to zoom my camera to its maximum zoom of 4X. After snapping the picture I immediately looked to see how it turned out and saw it was a little blurry. I immediately opened my camera again to snap a second picture taking care to hold my hand more steady the second time. I understand with full zoom on a digital camera the slightest shake can blur the image so I was being careful. Approximately 15-20 seconds elapsed between the two pictures. I'm hoping the time stamp information will be uploaded with the images but I'm not that technical so I don't know for sure if it will. I have the information if it does not. Anyway, I glanced at the picture and saw that the quality was much better and would be sufficient for me to show my family the giant house I'd been talking about. I closed my camera app and went on with my work day. That evening I was showing both images to my brother when I noticed something strange in the second, more clear image.
 I used the zoom capability of my phone to zoom in on the object and that is why I'm contacting you now. I have no explanation for what the object in the image is nor do I have the slightest idea where it came from. I went back and checked the first image and there is nothing apparent in the sky aside from a few clouds. The object doesn't appear to be anywhere near high enough to have been obscured by clouds. Also it struck me as odd that given the very short duration of time between the images that any object could have traveled that far across the frame that quickly. It just doesn't seem possible to me but then again, to the naked eye, I didn't notice anything in the sky at all while taking either picture. I don't know the exact amount of time brethren images buy I do know that both time stamps say 12:10pm. So I do know that I was less that 60 seconds either way. I have no idea what the image is and had no response to it being as I didn't notice it until long after the fact. 
I have zoomed in and looked as closely as I can and it definitely isn't a bird. From the distance the photo was taken it would have been a huge bird in my opinion. Also the shape doesn't resemble a living creature in any way. My gut told me it had to be an airplane but again the shape appears to be all wrong. I also would have thought it would have been visible in the first picture and it definitely isn't. I'm not sure what could travel that far, that fast. My hope is that your experts can enhance the image and clear this up for me. It is a ufo in the fact that I have no idea what it is or where it came from. I can't with any certainty claim it to be alien either. That's why I'm handing it over to the experts. I hope this is enough information for you to work with and I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time.

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