Saturday, September 9, 2017

Have you spotted UFOs in Meirionnydd?

The sign at Morfa Dyffryn and Benar Beach Photo: Andy Sayle

IS MEIRIONNYDD home to extraterrestrial activity?
One group of alien spotters MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, is determined to find out following a series of unusual, unexplained sightings over a nudist beach.
Recently Andy Sayle, a holidaymaker in the area, was surprised to see a sign up asking beachgoers at Morfa Dyffryn and Benar Beach to keep an eye out for anything out-of-this-world.
The notice, which bears the logo of MUFON, reads: “A number of unexplained sightings have been reported in this area, day and night. Strange lights, plasma balls and other apparitions have been reported. These occurrences have been noted in areas out to sea, the beaches and within the sand dunes.
“The public are encouraged to report any sightings or sounds and to take photographs which may be used in scientific study of these events.”
Andy, who studied aeronautical engineering, is keen to believe that there may be extraterrestrial life out there but believes there could be more rational explanations for the otherworldly apparitions.
“I would really like to believe that there are UFOs out there, at least until somebody comes up with an unequivocal explanation that makes sense,” he told the Cambrian News.
“We didn’t see anything whilst on holiday in the area, although I can quite easily understand how somebody could see something and not be able to explain it.
“For example, a consumer drone with LED lights on, could easily be confused for a strange light in the sky.
“It is also interesting that the airfield at Llanbedr has opened again in the last couple of years, and I know there has been some testing of UAVs from there. It could be coincidence, but then again, it might not!”

By Alex Jones


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