Thursday, September 14, 2017

Niece of 'alien abductee' couple Barney and Betty Hill due to speak in Holmfirth

 Speakers at UFO conference includes retired US Air Force officer

 The UFO conference in Holmfirth

An American writer who is convinced that some alien abduction stories are real is a guest speaker at a UFO conference in Holmfirth this weekend.
Kathleen Marden, a leading UFO and abduction researcher, dates her interest in the subject to September 1961 when her aunt, Betty Hill, phoned her childhood home to report that she and her husband Barney had encountered a flying saucer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains.
The couple later claimed they had been abducted by extra terrestrials, an account which is recognised as the first widely publicised report of an alien abduction in the United States.Kathleen Marden is among six speakers at the two-day UFO Truth Magazine International Conference which takes place this weekend, September 16 and 17, at Holmfirth Civic Hall.
Conference organiser Gary Heseltine, founder and editor of the UFO Truth Magazine, said: “The conference is fast becoming a regular calendar event for Holmfirth with local shops, cafes, restaurants and hotels and guest houses all benefitting from the hundreds of people who descend on the town from Friday to Sunday from all around Britain and some even from Europe.
He added: “The magazine was founded in 2013 and it was always my hope and intention that it should be based in the town.
“I wanted to bring a late year boost to local businesses and for it to become a regular fixture in the yearly calendar for Holmfirth.”
“This year we have two major speakers from the United States, Kathleen Marden and Robert Jacobs. Kathleen is the niece of the couple Barney and Betty Hill who became famous for being involved in the first well documented ‘alien abduction’ case in 1961.
“Kathleen has become a highly respected UFO author and researcher in her own right.”
He added: “Robert Jacobs is a retired US Air Force officer and missile specialist who became involved in a major UFO event in 1964 when an Atlas rocket that he was tracking and filming was targeted by a UFO whilst in mid-air causing it to crash to the ground.”
The third overseas speaker is Francisco Correa who is the head of the Exo-politics movement in Portugal. He will reveal a array of Portuguese military and pilot UFO cases.
The UK speakers are Gary, the host and founder of the magazine, author Andrew Johnson and blogger and radio show host, Ben Emlyn-Jones.
There are still a small number of tickets available for this event which has been a sell-out every year to date.
* Tickets are only available from the magazine website on this link:

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