Thursday, September 21, 2017

Passenger plane NEAR MISS with UFO just 200ft away over Brit airport

A PASSENGER plane had a near miss with a UFO within 200ft of the aircraft while flying into Glasgow Airport.

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An official report has revealed the scare and investigators have been unable to establish what the flying object was.
The pilot was attempting to land the plane and was on final approach to the airport in Scotland.
He described seeing an “orange light” just 200 feet away from the Airbus A320 – which can carry up to 186 passengers.
UK Airprox Board, which assesses aircraft near misses, confirmed the object was a UFO.
The pilot of the plane was not forced to take any avoiding action of the object – which less than 200ft from the aircraft
It was described as travelling in the opposite direction of the Airbus by the plane’s captain.
UFO sightings are often associated with claims of alien spacecraft by ET hunters.
However, the term UFO can refer to all number of items – and simply means it is not known what the flying object was.
The pilot of the Airbus attempting to land in Glasgow at 1.50am on May, said he believed the object was a drone.
Passengers were left in chaos after a drone strayed into Gatwick Airport’s airspace back in July.
Investigators however could not confirm his assessment – simply marking it as a UFO.
Britain’s UFO hotspot is believed to be the West Midlands – with an upsurge in sightings over the past few years.
Daily Star Online revealed the account of a British soldier who was abducted by aliens while working on a base linked to Area 51.

 By Henry Holloway


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