Saturday, October 14, 2017

Astronomia e Fisica, l'Eso: «Sensazionale scoperta sui segreti dell'Universo»

Gravitational waves astronomy
The scientists have been researching for a long time regarding the gravitational wave. It seems that the scientists have achieved some significant success in their research work. As per the information, the coming Monday will be an important day for the scientists who are working in space science and Gravitational-wave astronomy. The sources said a team of researchers from gravitational wave detector LIGO, will be announced the facts. The scientists are going to reveal some mysterious facts regarding Gravitational Wave on Monday, i.e., 16th October. In a press conference, the detail will be revealed, and it will be held at the Press Club situated in Washington DC. The press conference will begin from 10 am EDT.
It is said that the press conference will be attained by researchers of Virgo interferometer, Italian counterpart of LIGO, scientists from Germany, and the United Kingdom.
In 2016, the gravitational waves are made officially and informed to the public. The first gravitational wave was detected by LIGO, and it informed that after a collision of two black whole the gravitational wave was formed. But that was no the last gravitational waves. After that, the scientists have been detected three more gravitational waves. As per the sources, in September the last gravitational waves were detected. The wave was detected by LIGO with the collaboration of Virgo interferometer. Both at the same time triangulate the position and their origin in the sky. The gravitational waves that emerge on merging of black holes are not possible to detect through a conventional telescope.
If the conventional telescope can able to detect the event that causes gravitational waves, then it can give some significant information to the scientists regarding merging of two massive things and their consequences.  The latest that shows that scientists may have detected a fifth gravitational wave. Some also said that a new type of gravitational force that had predicted by Albert Einstein also had been detected. If all the information proved to be true, then these data will bring a breakthrough in the field of gravitational wave astronomy.
The gravitational waves emerge from some very powerful events in the universe. As per the General Theory of Relativity by Einstein in 1915, Gravitational waves are just like some vibration or ripple in the fabric. As per the theory, the entire universe is made up of the fabric of space-time. The production time of those waves may be very fast, and some informed that the Big Bang could be a reason behind the gravitational waves.


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