Thursday, October 12, 2017

New book chronicles UFO sightings around Kansas City

A local UFO researcher says Kansas City is a hot spot for sightings.
Margie Kay is assistant state director for the Missouri chapter of MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, and author of a new book, The Kansas City UFO Flaps. The publication documents numerous sightings, mostly in Eastern Jackson County in 2011 and 2012.
"Flap" is a term used to describe sudden grouping of sightings of UFOs in an area that appear to be related.
The accounts involve close encounters in which someone had a really good look at strange objects in the sky, Kay said. In one case, a photograph showed what she called small beings that don't appear to be human.
"There's never cooperation from government agencies," Kay said. "We filed a freedom of information request asking for radar reports and there's hardly ever a response."
A lot of people report seeing multi-colored objects that rotate counter clockwise at high rates of speed. The sightings continue, Kay said.
MUFON wants people to file reports whenever they see something in the sky they can't explain. The organization has set up an online registry.


Bill Grady

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