Thursday, December 28, 2017

27 UFO Sightings In Illinois Since September

Illinois is known to some researchers as a "UFO" hotspot, especially Cook County, and in recent months it's lived up to its reputation.

According to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), Illinois had 27 reported sightings of strange objects since September, including several sightings in Springfield, plus reports from Champaign, Carbondale, Wilmette, Chicago, Batavia and Rockford.
The most recent sighting reported to NUFORC was Dec. 15 in Pawnee, a village in Sangamon County, when a resident reported seeing "very bright orange flashing lights" for about 15 minutes at about 3:30 a.m.
"We woke up to bright flashing lights on our window," the resident told NUFORC. "Went onto deck and could see a row of orange lights on ground and a globe like set of rotating lights about 20 feet from the row of lights on ground."
Cheryl Costa, a New York-based blogger and author, has analyzed UFO sighting reports nationwide and said Illinois had more than 4,000 reports between 2001 and 2015, making it one of the top states for UFO reports.
"Illinois had four or five counties in the top 100 and Cook County was third in the nation," Costa told Patch earlier this year. "Illinois was number 8 in the country with 4,191 reported sightings in 15 years."

While Chicago had a reported sighting on Oct. 27, the town Costa called Cook County's "UFO capital" hasn't had any reports since April, according to NUFORC. Between 2001 and 2015, Tinley had 168 reported sightings, according to Costa, who called the numbers "unusually high." For comparison, all of Will County had a total of 283 sightings during the same period.

Someone in Chicago reported this broad-daylight sighting on Oct. 27:
I was headed southbound on the CTA bus on Damen Ave. on 10/27/17 the day way heavily overcast. Somewhere between (Clybourn) street and Webster where less buildings were the best to my recollection is where I noticed this object in the sky. I was looking up towards the West sky noticed how thickly covered in clouds it was then that moment there was a parting of the clouds and I saw a sphere. It was gray with a glow almost (lunar) like, did not do anything but just stay there for that brief moment and the clouds covered it up again.
On Dec. 1 near Springfield, a witness reported seeing a cigar-shaped object in the sky:
I was traveling on a rural road outside of Springfield with my daughter and in the sky was a very low flying slow moving cigar shaped object with a bright white light on each side of the object and had no sound to it. It was traveling South east bound at a very slow speed.
Someone in Plato Center, located in unincorporated Kane County, reported seeing a "strange, bright blue orb" fall from the sky, along with a mysterious black SUV. The person said their dog even reacted to the sighting and the sound of helicopters, detailing the experience in a lengthy report:
I was watching TV in my bedroom when a strange bright, blue orb passed across my shade drawn window right in front of my that I was facing. It was going from east to west as I looked south. It crossed the top half of the window width in about 2-3 seconds, falling at approximately a 25 degree angle. I had my bedroom light on so to see it through my raffia type shades it had to be very bright. I thought it could be a meteor, large drone or UFO and thought it was going to crash some where into the area in the fields by Connors Rd or just west toward Rt 47.I quickly jumped up and went to the window in the bathroom where it had no shades to see if there was fire in the nearby field. Didn't see any. Went out onto the front porch to look and listen and heard many dogs or coyotes barking. It was so unusual that I decided to get in my car and drive down the road to see if I could see some crash or fire. ...
Didn't see anything so I turned around half way up the hill before Rt 47 then drove back to Kendall.When I came to the stop sign at Connors and Kendall, I looked South and saw a large Black SUV type vehicle with headlights off, but yellow parking lights on, near the Woodlands entrance but on the East side of the road. It was strange as I couldn't imagine a car stopped there unless it had seen it to. I thought about stooping to ask them if they had seen it, but it didn't feel right being there, so I didn't.I drove back home, parked in the garage, got out of the car and immediately heard a Helicopter overhead going west near to me and then just past Rt. 47. I went out onto the driveway to see if I could spot it and immediately heard a second Helicopter that seemed to be coming up from the south along Rt 47 west of me.All of this had taken place in under 15 minutes.I stayed out in the middle of the dark driveway for about 3 or 4 minutes until I didn't hear the helicopters anymore.((Dog's name deleted)) was barking inside the house so I closed the garage door and went inside to calm him.I then opened the front door and went onto the porch to listen. I didn't hear anything more. No helicopters or strange sounds, or lights even at that point--probably about 9:50 pm.It was all very strange and I now think maybe some type of UFO fell nearby and the helicopters were out scouting or retrieving. The large Black SUV could have been Men in Black as the car gave me a strange feeling, big, dark, tinted windows I think, and in a strange country road location to stop and pull over.
In case you're wondering what the National UFO Reporting Center is, it's been around since 1974, and it investigates UFO sightings and has put together a list of more than 90,000 sightings around the world. You can catch up and read more about each of the UFO sightings in Illinois here. The report dates back decades.


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