Thursday, December 21, 2017

UFO UpDates A mailing list for the study of UFO-related phenomena 'Its All Here In Black & White'

From: RGates8254  [Robert Gates]
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 17:22:11 EST
Fwd Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 12:07:47 -0500
Subject: Re: Shulman Exposes Ultra-Secret Military ET

>  From: (Stig Agermose)
>  To:
>  Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 13:36:21 +0200
>  Subject: Fwd: Shulman Exposes Ultra-Secret Military ET Organization

>  Received via "alt.alien.visitors" December 20 at 12.19 local time (GMT
>  + 1 hour).

>  *******

>  Date: 20 Dec 1997 11:06:13 GMT
>  From: "" <>
>  Message-ID: <01bcc676 b8cd="" default="">

>  Jack Shulman Exposes Hidden Ultra-Secret ET Military Organization

>  On the show, Shulman related an amazing string of events which
>  culminated when he and other ACC personnel, along with
>  Investigator/Journalist Bob Wolf, had what amounted to a
>  confrontation with Air Force personnel at the Pentagon. During
>  the course of what was described as a rather heated encounter,
>  Air Force personnel are said to have disclosed accidentally, or
>  otherwise, the existence of this invisible military organization
>  within the Department of Defense THAT NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF

So if we understand this right, Schulman and Bob "the conduit
when Ed Wang isn't around" Wolf were having some sort of
confrontation with AF personnel "at the Pentagon" in which it is
alleged that some military officials accidently vomited up this
organizations name.

Ten to 1 odds when the gulliable fools start filing FOIA
requests for information "no such organization will exist."

>  Shulman said it is called the Extraterrestrial Space Command
>  Directorate, or simply "E2SCD." As stated, this military group,
>  branch, or operational unit, officially DOES NOT EXIST in any
>  readily locatable government or military archive or database.
>  Jack stated the unit is probably referred to simply as "E2" by
>  those in it or those who have a need to know of its existence.

This is mighty convient fact.   For those truth seekers who
attempt to verify its existance they say up front that its
unverifiable.  SO AND AGAIN all we have is Schulman making
pronouncements on a show.

>  Further, Jack explained to Jeff how when he and his associates
>  were first going through the now famous 'laboratory notebook',
>  which apparently reveals the true origin of the transistor
>  (recovered ET technology), they observed several "E2" notations

Yet nobody other then Schulman & cronies seems to have *actually*
seen this incredible notebook that apparently is one of the
greatest secrets to ever be seen by man.

Everybody remember the Hitler diarys that fooled the experts for
awhile.  Not to mention Mark Hoffman, who fooled many experts for
along time.  Ah, not to mention the infamous Kennedy papers that
supposedly "experts and investigators" prounounced authentic,
then to find out that none of the experts and investigators were
even capable of making any kind of judgement.

My point is that before we launch into notebook heaven, it should
be subject to examination.

>  in the text. Not having any idea what "E2" stood for at the time,
>  Jack and his team of scientists assumed "E2" to be some type of
>  engineering symbol or code. Today's revelation may have solved
>  that mystery and could confirm the existence of this ultra secret
>  elite military UFO organization far at least as long as 50 years
>  ago.

>  Shulman said a thorough search of the Library of Congress and all
>  immediately available government data bases revealed NO DATA on
>  the "Extraterrestrial Electronics Space Directorate", or "E2SCD."

Told you, another MJ-12 black hole.  Like MJ-12  this E2SCD
willnot quite be proven true, but because Shulman said it on
national radio, its the god's gospel truth to never be doubted
by the Schulman/Wolf/Wang defenders and their cronies.

>  In a related issue, Shulman said it now appears the orginal top
>  secret fax that American Computer mysteriously received several
>  months ago is now believed by Jack Shulman, at least, to have
>  originated from a satellite which may well belong to, and be
>  operated by, the secret E2 organization.

  How did Schulman come to that conclusion? 
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