Saturday, December 9, 2017


Former MoD UFO investigator reveals battle plan for if Earth was INVADED by aliens … and it’s terrifying

 Nick Pope, who used to run the Ministry of Defence's UFO project, believes the threat of an alien invasion is serious enough that we should be preparing for the worst


THE chances of anything coming from Mars may be a million to one… but is it worth taking the risk?
Nick Pope, who used to run the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project, believes the threat of an alien invasion is serious enough that we should be preparing for the worst.
We’ve mocked-up this war plan based on what Nick predicts our response to an invasion would be
We’ve mocked-up this war plan based on what Nick predicts our response to an invasion would be
Drawing from his experiences at the MoD, he has even created a war plan which reflects how the British government would likely respond to an extraterrestrial attack.
Although this has been mocked up by the Sun Online and isn’t a real government document, Nick thinks it’s what we’d have to do in the unlikely event of an alien invasion.
The UFO investigator told the Sun Online: “I based the document as much on declassified plans for the Iraq War as on my knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.
“This is exactly the sort of top-level strategic document that politicians and senior officials need in order to take the very rapid and important decisions.”
Nick Pope, the government’s former UFO investigator, has predicted what an alien invasion battle plan would look like
Nick Pope, the government’s former UFO investigator, has predicted what an alien invasion battle plan would look like
His prediction would see the UK ally itself with NATO and the United Nations, and use our Air Force and Navy to hammer aliens with missiles.
Nick argues that we’d have to rely on our nuclear defences as a last resort, but even then we’d almost certainly be out-gunned by our interplanetary conquerors.
The war plan also advises that we should also develop a biological weapon to deal with living invaders, or use powerful energy pulses to disable invading machines.
Either way, our prospects are bleak.

Alien invasions have been done to death in sci-fi, with The War of the Worlds, Independence Day and District 9 among the classic films depicting aliens arriving on Earth.
But how likely is it that we’ll ever see a real alien invasion?
While it’s true that Nasa recognises the likelihood that we’ll find alien life relatively soon, the chances of an invasion are widely believed to be very slim.
Even so, Nick believes that the impacts of an attack would be so catastrophic that it’s worth preparing for the worst anyway.
He said: “There’s no government plan for an alien invasion, or for other scenarios where we find extraterrestrial life.
“Aliens capable of getting to Earth would clearly have technology way ahead of ours, so getting into any kind of war should be the last resort.
“We can only guess at what technology they may have, and what weaponry they might possess.
“I hope that if aliens arrive on Earth they’ll come as explorers or scientists – but that’s wishful thinking.”
The reality is that super-advanced aliens would probably arrive as slavers, zoo keepers or pest controllers, Nick predicts.
He added: “The biggest single thing we can do to protect ourselves is to acknowledge that there’s an issue here.
“With Nasa and others now openly talking about the possibilities of alien life, we can no longer dismiss this as sci-fi.
“Is it that hard to believe that we might not be alone, and there might be civilizations out there much older than ours, and thus more advanced?”
We’ve been bringing you all the extraterrestrial news you’d need to brush up on our potential conquerors.
Previously, we revealed that a top scientist claimed the human race may have originally come from Mars.
We also revealed what aliens may really look like, based on how evolution has played out on Earth.

Nick's alien invasion plan

First warning of an alien invasion is likely to come from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Deep Space Network, or a radio telescope, e.g. Jodrell Bank. The Ballistic Missile Early Warning System at RAF Fylingdales may also play a role in detection.
UK Threat Level will immediately be raised to CRITICAL.
The PM will form a War Cabinet, with membership to include the Home Secretary, the Secretary of State for Defence, the Foreign Secretary, the Chief of the Defence Staff and the Government Chief Scientific Adviser.
Any UK military response will probably form part of an international coalition, possibly US-led, and involving NATO.
Legal authority for military action would come from the United Nations and the international community to resist an attack on soverign nations.
All forces with air-to-air and ground-to-air capability may be deployed. The bulk of the UK effort will comprise Eurofighter Typoon aircraft armed with Meteor missiles, and Type 45 destroyers armed with Sea Viper missiles. The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down will be asked to develop a biological weapon, though if we are facing a machine intelligence, directed energy weapons and EMP weapons may be more effective. The UK’s strategic nuclear deterrant may be used as a weapon of last resort.
Extraterrestrial invaders will almost certainly possess weapons of mass destruction, and technologies significantly in advance of our own. Key priorities must be to gather intelligence on alien technology, and to reverse-engineer it.


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