Thursday, March 22, 2018

A Philippine witness at Angeles City reported watching a square or rectangular-shaped object at 700 feet moving south toward Manila, according to testimony from Case 83456 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness is a trained observer as a U.S. Marine who was having coffee at a computer at 5:45 a.m. on May 1, 2017, when the incident began.

“I heard my dogs carrying on outside and went to investigate,” the witness stated. “At first, I thought they had barked at nothing, when I suddenly caught sight of the object. I watched it only for 30 seconds or so before realizing that it wasn't a plane, helicopter, or hot air balloon and ran into the house and grabbed my cell phone as it was the closest camera available.”

The object was moving away.

“The object first appeared to be about 700 feet high, but as the object had moved into the background of my house, it appeared to be gaining altitude and I snapped three photos as it passed beyond the peak of the roof over my bedroom, moving in a south or southeast direction towards Manila. The object made no sound at all, and it had no visible lights of any kind. It seemed to be moving about the same speed as a small plane at first and was completely out of sight in about three minutes or less, apparently gaining speed.”
The witness reviewed the images taken.

“When I first looked at the pictures, I thought I missed it, as it looked like a speck of dust or dirt. I then downloaded them to my desktop computer and cropped the photos, and then I could see better detail. I was a bit stunned when saw it, as I had never seen any craft like this before, and it clearly had some type of leg structure for landing. Three pictures were taken, and numbered in the order taken, the best being the first picture.”

Chase Kloetzke investigated this case for MUFON International and closed it as an Unknown UAV.

 Roger Marsh


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