Saturday, March 31, 2018

Pilots in two separate planes report seeing the same UFO over Arizona

UFO sightings are often hard to believe, and for pretty obvious reasons. When a sighting originates from a single person it is often written off immediately, simply because it’s impossible to verify what one individual believes they saw in the sky. However, when two or more witnesses say they saw the same thing — and when those witnesses are seasoned airline pilots who know a thing or two about what should and shouldn’t be speeding around above the clouds — thing start to get a lot more interesting.


On February 24th, two pilots reported seeing the same bizarre object in the sky above their heads and nobody, including the FAA, has any idea what it was. The audio recording of the banter between the pilots and their air traffic controller reveals just how strange the sightings were, and it’s clear the pilots had no idea what it was they were seeing.
The audio of the conversations, first reported by The Drive, begins with the pilot of a Learjet owned by Phoenix Air radioing in to the air traffic control center to ask if another plane had passed over the top of them a few seconds earlier.
“Negative,” the controller responds, prompting another pilot to chime in “a UFO,” to which the pilot of the Learjet offers a lighthearted “yeah.”
The controller than contacts another pilot, this time on an American Airlines flight headed over the same area that the strange sighting was reported. The controller asks the pilot to radio in if they see anything pass over them over the next few miles of their flight.
“I don’t know what it was, it wasn’t an airplane but it was… the path was going in the opposite direction,” the Learjet pilot explains. It’s not long before the American Airlines pilot hops on the radio to say that they, too, saw the bizarre object.
“Yeah, something just passed over us, like a… I don’t know what it was,” the American pilot says. “But it was at least two, three thousand feet above us. Yeah, it passed right over the top of us.”
According to the FAA, no other planes should have been over the area at the time of the sightings. The fact that the pilots identified the objects as not being a plane or a balloon just makes things all the more confusing. Aliens? Maybe.

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