Saturday, March 3, 2018

UFO Program Director: Pentagon Hiding Alien Metals 'Not From Earth'

Luis Elizondo is probably the most credible advocate we have when it comes to the existence of UFOs, but the more he reveals about his now-defunct Pentagon program and his own speculations, the less convincing it sounds.

A few weeks ago he claimed that he understood how UFOs are able to pull of their bizarre aerial acrobatics (they use localized time-space distortions created by quantum mechanics), and now he's claiming that Bigelow Aerospace, his former contractor, possesses alien meta-materials...that no one can confirm.

The Pentagon's Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program started up in 2007 to quietly investigate reports of UFOs, backed by Bigelow Aerospace.

During that time, the AATIP collected videos of supposed UFO encounters and investigated various encounters, but some of the more interesting things they found were "metal alloys."

According to the New York Times report on the program: "Under Mr. Bigelow's direction, the [Bigelow Aerospace] modified buildings in Las Vegas for the storage of metal alloys and other materials that Mr. Elizondo and program contractors said had been recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena..."

In a private interview with Alexander Rojas, the host of the UFO Congress, Elizondo apparently told Rojas that the material is not an alloy, but a "'meta-material' with strange isotopic values indicating it is not from Earth." Elizondo once again rued our limited understanding of quantum mechanics when it came to identifying the material:

"The data we have been seeing is so advanced it is hard enough for us to replicate our observations with our understanding of quantum mechanics. But for this type of technology to be available when we first started seeing it, I think is beyond improbable, I'm not going to say impossible, but I think it is really, really unlikely to come from another country like Russia or China. It leads to the next [question]: if it is not ours and not theirs, then whose is it?"

This would all be intriguing if not for a couple of major problems: no images of these materials have been found, nor has information about where they were found or where they ended up. No test results on the materials have been released, either—in fact, no official reports on the materials has been released at all.

You could write this off as classified material, but at this point, there's only Elizondo's word that these "meta-materials" exist, that they're extraterrestrial in origin and that Bigelow Aerospace has them.

The CEO of Bigelow Aerospace, Robert Bigelow, has already gone on TV and claimed that aliens are visiting the Earth (and that the government is keeping it a secret), so the next logical step is to ask him to show the materials to the world and prove that they're extraterrestrial in origin. If anything, Bigelow should be chomping at the bit to prove the existence of aliens.

 SETI radio host Molly Bentley sums up the problem nicely: "Why aren't the artefacts from unidentified aerial phenomena in his building being made available to material scientists or other researchers for study? If the evidence isn't released, no one can evaluate it.


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