Saturday, April 7, 2018

New UFO Sighting Over North Carolina

North Carolina breaks the top ten list of UFO reports as new video feed is posted on YouTube.

What is being described as a huge UFO mothership was caught on film in North Carolina, according to the Charlotte Observer.  An unnamed camerama caught the object hovering over rural fields close to Columbus, 85 miles west of Charlotte in Polk County, in the night sky.
The black and white video was filmed on April 3 and runs nearly five minutes. The YouTube footage released by The UFO Institute shows a v-shaped craft lit by six hovering lights, accompanied by a humming sound and the voice of the cameraman pondering “what the heck those lights are.”
"Whatever it is, it seems to be dropping," the cameraman says. Conspiracy theorists proffered the idea that the lights belong to a top-secret, experimental anti-gravity military vessel called the TR-3B, which could be based at the Fort Bragg or Pope Air Force bases. The craft has never officially been acknowledged.
You can watch the footage here:

The sighting is one of at least 20 sightings recorded in the state in 2018 alone.  The National UFO Reporting Center in Davenport, Wash., posted a report of "round orange balls flying over” a Charlotte resident’s “backyard with no sound" toward Charlotte Douglas International Airport on March 18. “From left to right, the sky was full of them. I would say about 15 to 20 orbs,” the man reported. There have also been several recent reports in the Lake Norman area.
North Carolina is one of the top ten states in America for UFO sightings. The National UFO Reporting Center lists 2,822 UFO sightings in North Carolina since the 1940s. California has had 13,199 sightings followed by Florida (6,252) and Washington (5,711). New York reported 4,558. The sightings in the database range from the 1950s to 2015.
In Snow Camp, a woman said she saw UFO circle her house. A father and son in Reidsville reported seeing a UFO lose power. In 1973, a teenager in Burlington reported a very large UFO hovering above the trees.
The first sightings went on record in 1945 in Winston-Salem. The most recent was in January in Greensboro, when commuters reported “lights streaking across the sky zooming down to the Earth" for about 10 minutes around 8:45 p.m.  The witnesses "also saw aircraft all over as if they were looking for something."

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