Saturday, October 13, 2018


Source:  UFO Today

What you are seeing right now is the videolog of the secret mission to Mars. Back in 1973, NASA launched a secret manned mission to Mars under the codename Redsun. You can see that this note is floating in a zero g gravity environment and it states that this footage was recorded on ISV Columbus, the name of the spacecraft. In 1973, we already send many unmanned probes to Mars to photograph the surface of Mars and recently footage was leaked of this secret manned mission to Mars. According to the documents, 3 astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and a Russian astronaut with name of Vladimir Ilyushin were send to Mars for a secret mission. All of the footage you are currently seeing was recorded on a 8mm film as was the standard procedure at the time. We can see our earth from deep space as the crew is on it’s way to Mars. On day 10 of their mission, they captured this amazing footage of planet earth and our moon. In this scene it looks like the moon is very close by to earth, but in reality the moon is far away at the back of our planet. As stated earlier this footage was leaked from a NASA training video and it was used for preparing astronauts for the isolation they can experience during long missions on the international space station. In this scene we see that moon has progressed it’s orbit around the earth and we get a feel of how far the moon actually is from


In 1973 NASA already send unmanned probes to photograph the surface of Mars and this might be the reason why this mission was carried out in secret. It’s very possible that NASA captured something on film they did not expect. Maybe something of extraterrestrial nature. The mission’s objective was not to land on Mars but to do a flyby, orbit Mars and head back to earth. During the videolog we get updates on the number of days these astronauts were inside ISV Columbus. This mission was very similar to a mission to the moon, only the duration was much longer. The footage shows updates on the number of days the crew spend in the spacecraft until day 158 when we suddenly get a glimpse of the planet Mars. As far as we know, this was the first man recorded footage of the red planet. We can only guess how this crew managed to get this far, but as we can see they have a long way to go. These astronauts made from 100% pure bravery to attempt this mission. It’s rumored that NASA already spotted several extraterrestrial location on Mars and they even captured an alien transmission on one of the unmanned probes. That’s probably the reason why they send a manned mission to Mars to verify this information. The footage you are currently witnessing is probably the first manmade video of the planet Mars. From time to time you’ll notice that a part of the spacecrafts window shows up in the footage, which only adds to it’s authenticity. Project Redsun has never been confirmed by NASA, nor by it’s crewmembers, but there have been rumors going around for years that NASA already carried out a manned mission to Mars. As the astronauts approach the planet, you can clearly distinguish the different areas of the planet and the typical red soil. The sporadic zoomin and out is typical for operating a 8mm camera for that time. The amount of details the crew managed to captured with this 8 mm camera is amazing. It must have been a very exiting time for the crew to finally have a good view of the planet and it’s easy to understand why. By the looks of it, this view is really out of this world. CGI Snake van Chris Zabriskie is gelicentieerd onder een Creative Commons Attribution-licentie ( Bron: Artiest:

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