Thursday, January 17, 2019

Chemtrails and symbol of the Illuminati eye

Source: Herbert Souza

The video that we present is recorded in the skies of the United Kingdom and shows a triangle with the symbol of the Illuminati eye that appears in the middle of 3 chemtrails. Demonstration enough that the Illuminati use this new strategy to suppress, amaze and fundamentally poison the masses using the air we breathe.
The original video is from Grant Wood recorded on Bracknell in Berkshire, United Kingdom, but captured in March 2017 and published on the Facebook group Chemtrails Global Skywatch. This new concern has come to light in recent years about a relatively new and shocking strategy of the enlightened that aims to suppress, and fundamentally poison the masses using an indispensable element for our survival: the air we breathe. If you look at the sky on a clear day, there are good chances to see white traces left by airliners carrying thousands of people to various destinations around the world. Most will probably regard it as a completely normal sight and will probably expect to see the blue sky somehow broken by the white contrails of passing traffic. There is however a big problem with this, namely that most of the white trails observed in our skies today are not the harmless traces of natural vapor that most probably all believe they are, but are synthetic chemical traces, based on chemical aerosols (or chemtrails) that are intentionally left in our atmosphere to be subsequently exposed. There is a huge difference between the natural trails (or condensation trails) of the ice crystals and the water vapor left by commercial aircraft that disappear quickly after they have flown and the thick, white chemtrails looming more and more in the our skies lurk nowadays. These chemtrails do not disperse as quickly as the natural vapor trails, but remain in the sky for hours, slowly widening and descending to altitude. As more paths are traced, they begin to merge in the course of the day until they end up making what seems to be a completely natural (milky) cloud cover, since the lines of the paths can no longer be adequately distinguished. In just a few hours, up to half a day, what was a beautifully clear and bright blue sky turns into a complete “white out” – a dense artificial mist that completely blocks the sun and reaches the ground level at the end of the day.

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