Thursday, March 21, 2019

Aircraft Carrier Sized UFO Caught In Earths Orbit?

Source video: Paranormal Crucible

I found this object while browsing the NASA archives and its very interesting, object is huge in scale, around 300 meters long, which is about the same size as an aircraft carrier. When I enhanced the object it appears to have quite a few sphere like objects attached to it. I will be doing a full report on this discovery and will post on my website later today. Don't forget to subscribe and please click the bell icon to get notified about any new uploads. Visit My Website: Please Subscribe Here: Find Me On Facebook::

 Comment by Oliviero Mannucci: The object taken from the ISS is one of the spaceships of the Solar Warden Earth fleet. It is not the first time that they have seen and filmed such things from the ISS.It has become normal for astronauts to see these things flying near them.

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