Saturday, April 6, 2019

Solar Warden | The Secret Space Program & Black Budget Part TWO

Solar Warden | The Secret Space Program & Black Budget Part TWO Credits:

McKinnon allegedly discovered information about the craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approximately eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships". The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under Air Force Space Command. There are least 300 personnel involved at this facility. Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. Also United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret Air Force bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. Another newer version of the definition and description of Solar Warden is that it isn't the Earths Interstellar Space Program itself, that is called the SOC, but Solar Warden is in fact the name of a Research Project that would create Sun Spots and send the "Solar Waves" to Directional Nodes in Space which in turn aim the Solar Waves at Targets like a Rogue Asteroid or an Alien Space Craft that had flown into our Solar System unannounced, without permission and with Hostile Intentions After years of fighting in court for having illegally accessed NASA’s computers, the hacker is talking about the findings he has made at the time McKinnon told the judges and the press that he found evidence of technologies of alien origin, the existence of energy capable of stopping the global warming process, anti-gravity devices, and above all, the existence of a real stellar fleet capable of driving huge distances through cosmic space. Gary McKinnon thinks he has found enough evidence to assert that the Americans have a secret space program run by the Navy, that is, spaceships. According to, all the details are reported in an ample interview with RichPlanet TV, known for its UFO programs: “We used a program called Landsearch to help us access all the tabs and folders.” “There we found an Excel file named” Non-Terrestrial Officers “(the officers from outside the Earth). The file contained names and ranks, and material transfers were specified between ships, and the name of the spacecraft began with the USS” But what evidence would McKinnon have found? Alien visits hidden to the public, because the space images were altered to the NASA Johnson Space Center. Here, for example, UFOs were taken out of the photographs. McKinnon found on NASA’s servers a high-definition image of a large cigar-like object, floating above the northern hemisphere. When he hacked the US Army servers, McKinnon discovered a diary of all “non-terrestrial” officers, proof that the US Army had a secret battalion in space. Some of the US ships are called USSS Lemay or USSS Hillenkoetter, “USSS” coming from the “United States Space Ship,” the US Space Shuttle. McKinnon said: “I found a list of officers in the” Non-Terrestrial Officers “section. This does not mean aliens but the fact that they are not based on Earth. They were serving a fleet that were not American Navy ships, but spaceships away from our planet. ” On April 13, 2009, the US National Archives of Administration provided nearly 250,000 pages of documents during the Reagan administration, including its Personal Journal. In this, on 11 June 1985, the president wrote: “WE HAVE LUNCH WITH 5 TOP SCIENTISTS IN THE FIELD OF AEROSPACE.” IT WAS FASCINATING. “SPACE IS REALLY THE LAST FRONTIER, AND SOME OF THE DEVELOPMENTS THERE IN ASTRONOMY ARE SCIENCE FICTION UNLESS THEY ARE REAL. LEARNED THAT OUR TRANSFER CAPACITY IS SUCH THAT WE COULD PUT 300 PEOPLE IN ORBIT. ”

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