Thursday, August 8, 2019

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's a 'UFO' over the Mexican sky

Could it be possible that UFO's actually exist? This recent footage may just have the answers so many of us have been looking for.

 UFO in Mexico / YouTube
I've never been one who believes in the whole alien/UFO thing, but it is intriguing to think about what lies beyond our galaxy.
In the latest UFO news doing the rounds, footage has surfaced of an alleged UFO spotted flying over the sky in Mexico. In it, you can see a saucer-like object weaving its way through the sky.
A few users have taken a jab at the UFO's pilot, adding that he/she/it may have had one two many before getting behind the 'wheel'.
"[It] looks like a drunk ufo driver lol he cant keep it straight lol love it," said YouTube user Fire Moutain.

At first, I thought it was two paper plates in the sky, but after looking at it carefully, I'm not entirely sure what to make of the sighting. There has not been any official confirmation on what it is.
I wonder if this 'drunk UFO' got a fine for the strange 'driving'? Hmmm...

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