Thursday, September 26, 2019

HUGE Craft Spotted Hovering Above Earth On ISS Live Feed! - "The Real McCoy"

 Source video: MrMBB333

The triangular UFO sighted near the International Space Station has forced many to believe that Donald Trump’s spatial strength is already active in space. But some UFO experts put forward the hypothesis that it could be a UFO.The video of a mysterious triangular object, which was actually seen by a man named Scott M, was uploaded to YouTube by the conspiracy theory channel MrMBB333. The newly emerged clip shows a triangular UFO suspended in space but very close to the ISS. “This is not a reflection, in fact, this object here reflects the light itself. It seems to be a sort of large triangular ship. You will see when I enlarge and I put it in slow motion, you will see the light reflecting on it and it shines. wavering back and forth from left to right, “the Daily Star told the conspiracy theorist. According to these conspiracy theorists, the space force of Donald Trump was launched without other world powers like China, Russia and India knew about it. Meanwhile, a section of alien aficionados has begun to claim that the triangular UFO could actually be an alien mother ship that has reached the solar system from space.

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