Thursday, September 12, 2019

They reveal the date when the asteroid Apophis will impact the Earth: Friday, April 13, 2029

Source video: UFOvni2012

NASA has already begun preparations for the arrival of the asteroid Apophis, which will presumably pass over our heads in 2029. It measures 340 meters in diameter and will pass only 30 km from the earth’s surface: closer than television satellites. NASA has already begun preparations for the arrival of asteroid 99942 Apophis, nicknamed the asteroid “God of Chaos”, which will arrive on earth in 10 years. The asteroid is 340 meters wide and will pass only 19,000 miles from the earth’s surface. Apophis is one of the largest asteroids that passes so close to the earth’s surface and a collision with the planet has the potential to be devastating for life on Earth. The asteroid is destined to approach the Earth compared to the communication and meteorological satellites in orbit. Most satellites in the Earth’s orbit are geostationary orbits 36,000 km (22,236 miles) away from the planet. Apophis travels at almost 25,000 mph, which means that a small deviation from its trajectory could be catastrophic. NASA scientists are aware that as the asteroid flies across the planet in 2029, its orbital trajectory can also change, which increases the fear that the massive rock may collide with the planet in the future. At this point, many wonder if it is possible for all the world superpowers to join forces to avoid a global catastrophe. This would be a good starting point to find peace on Earth, as happened in the film Armageddon.

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