Saturday, September 28, 2019

UFO Bros hit the road to explore Area 51 for Travel Channel

The UFO Bros, Joe and Emmett Hayes take their unique method of searching for alien life on the road as they travel to Area 51 in a new Travel Channel instamentary.



The UFO Bros, Joe and Emmett Hayes have been looking for proof that extraterrestrials exist ever since they got hooked on Alien Autopsy back in the 90’s. Because they were so fascinated with that “documentary,” they made it their mission to travel the country investigating unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) sightings and crash sites.
Their methods may be a little unorthodox at times but that has become their calling card. Routinely, Joe and Emmett are asked to speak at various conferences and events. Their podcast, UFO Bros: Probecast has broadened their reach and in the process secured them guests like Luis Elizondo and other luminaries in the field.
Now, the Hayes boys have landed at Travel Channel in an exclusive special that will air on Sept. 29 at 10 p.m. The instamentary will follow their journey from their home in Northern California to Area 51.

UFO Bros

Along the way they will be documenting their exploits for the network capturing all of the fascinating UFO experts and the local flavor in their quest for answers. Joe and Emmett are no strangers to that top-secret facility in the Nevada desert.
They have explored it before along with the Roswell, New Mexico crash site. Of course, they will be meeting up with other ufologists such as Jeremy Corbell, the documentarian who made a splash last year with his film on former Area 51 employee, Bob Lazar.
According to the press release, Joe and Emmett will also be talking with Greg Eghigian, who is a popular culture professor at Penn State. MUFON investigator, Earl Anderson will show the Bros weird aviation videos and a witness to one of the many black triangle sightings, Shawn Johnson, will also be on hand.
The last person they will speak with is Rick Doty, a former government employee that claims to have seen an alien on Area 51 property. He also states that we have alien technology from a UFO crash.

 Knowing The UFO Bros, this expedition is going to be fun, informative and definitely compelling.

Susan Leighton 

Source News 

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