Thursday, October 17, 2019

13-10-2019: Excellent UFO Experience Over Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.

Source video: beamsinvestigations1

BEAMS Report: Witness Description: Crossing the key bridge in the early morning I noticed several-cylinder objects with what looked like spheres looping around each one. They went up and down, in and out of the clouds. sometimes disappearing and returning. After watching for about 5 min they all went into the clouds. Several seconds later one dropped back out of the clouds, came down a couple hundred feet and stopped. At this point, I started recording on my phone camera. t The object hovers for about 1-2 minutes and then slowly moves off the right (NE). With the naked eye, I could see the white sphere going beside and around the crane but the video doesn't show it. I also took still images. After watching it for a couple minutes I left to pick up my mother who was visiting from New Hampshire. On the way back about 1 hour later we noticed 2 of the 3 crafts, however they were much further away. The second time around I did notice something else... I noticed a very large white sphere. I only viewed it for several seconds before it was obstructed by trees. Sighting Specifics: Distance 501 Feet - 1 Mile Altitude 500 Feet Or Less Duration 00:15:00 Features None Flight Path Hovering Then Path Shape Cylinder

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