Friday, October 4, 2019

ANOMALÍA cerca de JÚPITER - MARTE la necesidad para la HUMANIDAD

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El 19 de septiembre de 2019, el Dr. Gal Sarid y coautores, publicaron en de The Astrophysical Journal Letters que “Se ha dado la existencia de un portal orbital a través de la cual, supuestamente, atraviesan cuerpos cometarios de diversos tamaños”. La Dra. Weronika Śliwa, del Planetario del Centro de Ciencias Copérnico de Varsovia, en Polonia dice que "No es bueno que los humanos vivan en un planeta, por lo que es necesario diversificarse y mudar a una parte de la civilización humana al planeta Marte.” Son cuatro los asteroides con potencial de daño sobre la Tierra, conocidos como 2014-JO25, el 2014-AG5, Apofis y Bennu, cuyos diámetros oscilan entre los 140 metros y 650 metros, y que pueden alcanzarnos en este siglo y en el próximo. Planeta Snakedos es una de las fuentes para reportar las nuevas noticias de avistamientos OVNIS, información de encubrimientos del espacio y la extraña actividad que ocurre dentro y fuera de nuestro planeta.

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Risultati immagini per Dr. Gal SaridRisultati immagini per Dr. Gal Sarid

On September 19, Dr. Gal Sarid and coauthors published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters that “there exists the existence of an orbital portal through which, presumably, they cross spatial bodies called” centaurs, which are of various sizes. ice, travel in chaotic orbits between Jupiter and Neptune.
An entry model of these spatial bodies has been discovered and this model is like an orbital portal, believed to be the cradle of comets. The presence of an orbital portal provides a means to identify centaurs who have an imminent path in the solar system. The centaur 29 SW1 is the largest and most active of the uncovered objects that have passed through this orbital portal. This stellar body has baffled astronomers for its high activity and the frequent explosions that occur at a distance from the Sun where ice should not vaporize effectively. Both its orbit and its activity place it in an evolutionary point between the other centaurs and the comets of the family of Jupiter. Based on a simulation, there has been the possible evolution of these stellar bodies present beyond the orbit of Neptune, until they reach the orbit of Jupiter. Centaurs are believed to have originated in the region of the Kuiper Belt, beyond Neptune, known as the source of the comets of the Jupiter Family. Dr. María Womack, of the Florida Space Institute, and co-author of the study, said: “It has been established that one in five centaurs manages to enter the Solar System through this orbital portal, and thus become kites or rocks that can be attracted by the planets. “And this may indicate that very powerful forces can be moved that, perhaps, come from extraterrestrial civilizations and that their spaceships are dragging these star bodies that go into our space. It is thought that there could be an increase in the presence of these bodies in the solar system.

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