Thursday, October 31, 2019

Elon Musk speaking about AREA 51(aliens) and AREA 59 of SPACEX

Elon Musk is the founder and director of Tesla and SpaceX. He recently rejected the old belief that the US government maintains contact with extraterrestrials, contrary to what UFO experts think. Furthermore, he states that SpaceX has a “better” base than that of Area 51. Musk also stressed the importance of future explorations on Mars, suggesting that there is a certain probability that something may happen to our planet and, of course, to ourselves. Musk stressed once again through his statements about the US government, that contact was ever made with other alien races. Too bad that Musk knows nothing and therefore very uninformed about the fact that there are testimonies of American officials who have declared how the US government has been in contact with 4 types of extraterrestrial races, since the times of the cold war. People ask the CEO of SpaceX if he has ever visited Area 51. Musk said SpaceX has Area 59, and it is much better than Area 51. Musk is afraid that some kind of external force (hostile alien races) or something serious on our planet could cause the end of our civilization here on Earth, so it is best to find ways to dicolonize other planets as soon as possible. For the first time in 4.5 billion years, humanity has the possibility of spreading across the Universe.

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