Monday, October 21, 2019

Why Trump’s ‘Space Force’ isn’t as crazy as it sounds

Source video: USA TODAY

The US government is “creating a next generation of space warriors” who will join the Space Force, said a military veteran and peacemaker. Bruce Gagnon is co-founder and coordinator of the global network against weapons and nuclear energy in space. The organization is organizing a week of Keep Space for Peace, in which international protests are formed against the militarization of space. In an exclusive conversation with the British tabloid Daily Star Online, the activist said that young people are “trained for the future as space warriors”. During the exclusive chat, Bruce said: “Now people are training young people at space camps in the United States. “They bring them and excite them, then transfer them to the Air Force Academy and receive strong indoctrination on war and space.” Bruce says young people are told “it’s a good thing because it will protect us, help us and keep us free from the bad. They are now working at all these corners to make sure they have a new generation of what they call” space warriors, “he said. Bruce Gagnon. “This is absolutely your agenda.” The US Space Space Force (USSF) is the branch of the proposed space warfare service of the US military, whose goal is to control military space operations. of the United States armed forces and the eighth uniformed service of the United States.If established, it would be organized as a branch of military service within the Department of Aeronautics, one of three military departments within the Department of Defense. In the past, the “triangular ships” were recorded by the live broadcast of the International Space Station “floating” on the main spectators of the Ter to believe that it was a spacecraft of the US Space Force. TR3-B aircraft are now operational and traveling in space. Needless to say, there is an operational Space Force down, and now they are sponsoring it at the highest levels throughout the American continent.

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