Friday, October 25, 2019

Woman claims to have found an 'Alien Artifact'

Source video: UFOmania - The truth is out there

A mysterious alien object was found by an American woman and presumably resembles an object that CSM James Norton would have found at a UFO accident site. This story was kindly provided by paranormal investigator Paul Dale Roberts of the HPI Paranormal in Sacramento, California, who recently received a call from a woman named Stephanie Fuller. He said his boyfriend – a condominium maintenance worker – had discovered a very strange object while cleaning the home of a recently killed World War II veteran. The man was a compulsive accumulator and it is not clear how he got the object. After studying the artifact, Stephanie Fuller discovered the story of Major Sergeant James Norton, who in 1977 had a strange encounter with a UFO in Fort Benning, Georgia. On September 14 of the same year, a group of men had participated in a shooting practice, when several spheres appeared in the sky, followed by a large triangular ship that remained in the sky for a few minutes. Shortly thereafter, many soldiers fell ill and reported periods of missing time. According to the report, the object, whatever it was, apparently landed nearby and Norton managed to recover a small piece. It was said that the metal fragment was decorated with strange symbols and had peculiar properties. Norton subsequently published an online photograph before burying the artifact on his property to preserve it. It was in this photograph that Fuller later compared the object found in the veteran’s apartment. Finally, it is difficult to know what to do with this story, since there is no way to confirm Norton’s story and, unless the tests can be conducted on metal, neither can its origin be proven. This is an interesting story, but with regard to the alien fragment, for its authenticity one has to wait for analysis. Below are photos of the artifact of Stephanie Fuller.

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