Thursday, November 28, 2019

2 unknown Naval officers ordered for UFO radar recordings be deleted: Report

The U.S. Navy purportedly discovered an unidentified flying object in 2004 and was later instructed to hand over the radar footage for it to be deleted, according to a report.
A new account of the incident, published in Popular Mechanics, details an encounter with what the U.S. Navy recently confirmed as an “unidentified aerial phenomena.”
One of the witnesses, petty officer 3rd class Gary Voorhis, was sailing on the USS Princeton off the coast of Southern California in early November 2004. Voorhis, who was the system tech for the ship’s Co-operative Engagement Capability and AEGIS Combat System, said he had heard from radar techs they were getting “ghost tracks” and “clutter.” Assuming the ship’s new AN/SPY-1B passive radar system was malfunctioning, he said the air control systems were taken down for recalibration.“Once we finished all the recalibration and brought it back up, the tracks were actually sharper and clearer,” Voorhis told Popular Mechanics. He said the readings didn’t match “any
He said the readings didn’t match “any known aircraft.” “I couldn’t make out details, but they’d just be hovering there, then all of a sudden, in an instant, they’d dart off to another direction and stop again,” he added. But days later, Voorhis said two people came aboard the ship and requested the data recordings.“These two guys show up on a helicopter, which wasn’t uncommon, but shortly after they arrived, maybe 20 minutes, I was told by my chain of command to turn over all the data recordings for the AEGIS system,” he said. “They even told me to erase everything that’s in the shop — even the blank tapes.”

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