Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bill Nye: Would Humanity Make Peace with Aliens—or War?

Source video: Big Think

Have you ever thought if loved ones, friends, relatives etc … could be a kind of extraterrestrial or extraterrestrial hybrid? This could also explain why certain people behave strangely in different situations. It is not because they are crazy, but that they are unable to react as a human being would, of course. Dr. James Kune has identified more than 1,000 different cases during his career with the US government. Perhaps the very purpose of these aliens living here is simply to observe us and what we do every day. They study our social behavior and the way we interact with each other. This would be comparable to the observation of animals in a zoo-like environment. A predetermined problem (for some of these aliens) has become their attachment to those around them. They are fond of them and it is difficult for them to let them go. When you think of this topic you cannot think “human”. These beings have much more collective knowledge than humanity has today. Kune also said that these extraterrestrials are divided equally, which means that half are men and half are women. Many of them are married, but have no children. Through Kune’s research, he said there is a 50% chance of getting married to an alien. He personally identified many of them when they tried to pass themselves off as humans. Kune also said that the reasons for coming here to Earth are not yet clear. The typical assumptions are that they are here because of a kind of global conquest or the desire to live on another planet altogether. Perhaps they have also suffered on an overpopulated planet and have had to move to another place. Another statement mentioned by Kune, some of these extraterrestrials are Zeebans, peaceful aliens and others are Gootans, very evil. One wonders, regardless of whether these alien entities are capable of true love and understand each other as human beings. For procreation, they continue to mate with us as more descendants enter the world. This is a wild thought, but at times it makes you think of alien people and activities. The longer these aliens remained here on Earth, they became much more anxious for the company. It is natural to mate with another. Over time, they have begun to develop true love relationships with humans. Dr. Kune also stated: “One of the most surprising results in my research is that these relationships between humans and aliens are among the strongest marriages on Earth. While the global divorce rate for married couples in the United States is around at 50 percent, almost 90 percent of marriages between humans extends beyond the so-called “seven years” that often marks the end of human marriage. “” Leaving jokes aside, if your happy marriage brings it to suspect that your spouse may be an alien, you are lucky, Dr. Kune has identified several signs that your spouse may have extraterrestrial origins. ” “According to Kune, alien spouses are practical types and obviously possess a function of their highly developed mechanical and scientific abilities,” says Dr. Kune. “They usually have all the high-tech energy tools they can get their hands on and keep them organized compulsively.” “And while the majority will ask for help when they need it,” a significant number is stubborn about things like human men. “Kune continues:” I suspect many aliens are on this planet just because they wouldn’t do many things they do on Earth “

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