Friday, November 29, 2019

Up to 40 UFOs spotted over Truro

Witnesses say they’ve never seen anything like it

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People in Truro have been left stunned by the sighting of up to 40 "strange" lights moving high in the sky above the city and surrounding area this morning (Friday, November 29).

Witnesses have told Cornwall Live they had never seen anything like it in their lives.Walter Dixon stood watching up to 40 lights moving slowly across the sky alongside colleagues from Truro Prep School at Highertown in the city.
Walter, who drives the school’s mini bus, said: “It was bizarre. There was a whole line of them. We counted up to 15 and then stopped as it was hurting our necks!
“There were up to 40 of them all in a perfect line at about satellite height. What really struck me was that every tenth light was doubled up with another one beside it.”

The lights were seen above Truro Prep School in the Tresawls Road area of the city

The bus driver watched the unidentified flying objects with two of the school’s cleaners and a bin man.
“It was unreal – it was the precision that got me. It definitely felt like they were on a flight path. Never in my life have I seen anything like it. “It was definitely strange. You see the odd satellite but never anything like this when there were so many objects in a line.“I can’t explain it. They weren’t shooting stars – it was too clean, too straight and too perfect.”
He attempted to video the “UFOs” but couldn’t capture them because of the distance.
A man from the Redannick area of Truro - who preferred to remain anonymous - also spotted the lights.
He said: “I was walking the dog at about 6.15 when I noticed a light moving in the sky towards St Agnes. Then I realised there were about 15 lights queued up behind it, all moving really slowly.
“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
“They were higher than a plane but lower than a satellite. They were travelling that slowly that I was able to get my wife to look at them ten minutes later.”
Mirroring what Walter had described, the dog walker added: “They were at exactly the same height, the same speed and with the same gap between them all.
“I looked on the news as I was sure everybody would be talking about it – I’m definitely not crazy. I’m a rational person. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life.
“I hadn’t been drinking or taking drugs,” he joked.

A man was walking his dog near his home in Culdrose Court in the Redannick area of Truro when he spotted the strange lights

When he got to work at a holiday park near Newquay he spoke to a colleague who’d seen a light pass slowly over Goonhavern.
Cornwall Live contacted RNAS Culdrose to see if the unexplained sightings were actually down to military aircraft movement.
A spokesman said: “We had no aircraft operating at that time this morning. Our airfield did not open until around 9am.”

Truro Cathedral by night

We have also contacted Newquay Airport to see if anything was tracked by air traffic control. The airport will let us know later today.
Falmouth Coastguard said: “It’s not something we are aware of. If they were military planes we wouldn’t necessarily know about it. You could definitely describe them as unidentified flying objects.”

Lee Treewhela 

Source News 

Skywatchers in Russia have been reporting sights of a bizarre ‘shuttlecock-shaped’ UFO flashing through the night. Initially, it was feared the object – passing over the Urals and Volga regions – was a meteorite. Social media across several time zones in Russia and also Kazakhstan was buzzing with awe-inspiring images of the mysterious object as it streaked overhead in the early evening. Later it became clear that the UFO was not aliens or a lump of space rock but a test launch of a Topol-M intercontinental ballistic rocket by Vladimir Putin’s strategic missile forces. Footage showed the launch from the Kapustin Yar firing range in Astrakhan region, claimed the Russian defence ministry. It hit a target at the Sary Shagan anti-ballistic missile site in Kazakhstan in a ‘successful’ test, according to officials.

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Skywatchers in Russia have been reporting sights of a bizarre ‘shuttlecock-shaped’ UFO flashing through the night. Initially, it was feared the object – passing over the Urals and Volga regions – was a meteorite. Social media across several time zones in Russia and also Kazakhstan was buzzing with awe-inspiring images of the mysterious object as it streaked overhead in the early evening. Later it became clear that the UFO was not aliens or a lump of space rock but a test launch of a Topol-M intercontinental ballistic rocket by Vladimir Putin’s strategic missile forces. Footage showed the launch from the Kapustin Yar firing range in Astrakhan region, claimed the Russian defence ministry. It hit a target at the Sary Shagan anti-ballistic missile site in Kazakhstan in a ‘successful’ test, according to officials.

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