Monday, December 16, 2019

Strange structures on the surface of Mars

Source video: UFOmania - The truth is out there

Mysterious object similar to a “drone” and other structure photographed on the surface of Mars.
The theory on the presence of artificial structures on Mars built by an intelligent alien race is not new. Over the years, countless photos of strange lights and other abnormal structures such as pyramids and other buildings, have attracted the attention of the ufologists, who would have been identified buildings with complex architectures and other mysterious objects that seem to fly on the Martian surface. The video published on You Tube by Ufomania, shows a mysterious object that seems to fly on the Martian surface. Is it perhaps a “drone”? Given the structure and form of the object that turns out to be discoidal, it looks like a probe that is watching the Rover Curiosity, which is exploring and documenting the area of ​​the Crater Gale. Also in the video is also analyzed a mysterious structure, a sort of building similar to a conical tower with a huge window. Ufomania, believes it may be an alien base. For NASA, everything concerning alien structures discovered on other planets does not have to be in the public domain. Ufomania, believes it may be an alien base. For NASA, everything concerning alien structures discovered on other planets does not have to be in the public domain. There is photographic evidence that something was artificially constructed on Mars and on other planets in the solar system. There are structures on the surface of the Red Planet found in countless images taken from space probes, such as MRO from NASA, which has been mapping Marte for a long time. For conspiracy theorists, there is no doubt that on Mars and other solar system planets they hide ancient vestiges belonging to the ancient travelers of space, that is, a technologically evoked race (perhaps the Amunnaki?) That have colonized and built artificial structures that do not they would have been difficult to detect.

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