Thursday, February 27, 2020

Hastings UFO expert to feature in BBC show

Hastings Old Town resident and UFO expert Malcolm Robinson has been working with the BBC One Show alongside Matt Allwright, of Rogue Traders and Watchdog, to investigate unexplained incidents in the UK.

Malcolm Robinson on BBC SUS-200226-130916001
Malcolm Robinson on BBC SUS-200226-130916001


Malcolm, has written a number of books on UFO’s, unexplained encounters and the paranormal and has lectured on the subject around the world.
He recently returned from Scotland working on two projects.
The first concerned one of Scotland’s most alluring mysteries, ‘The Sauchie Poltergeist’ in which an 11 year old girl from Donegal in Ireland, came over with her parents to live in Sauchie Central Scotland (cira 1960). Malcolm explained: “No sooner had she arrived at her new home in Scotland, than strange mysterious knockings, rappings, and unaccountable footsteps were heard in the house.
Her bed covers rippled just like a stone being thrown into a still Mill Pond. Things got so bizarre that her local G.P. Dr Logan and her local Minister the Reverend T.W. Lund attended the family home, they too observed and heard all the strange knockings.
“Reverend Lund also was astonished to see a large and heavy linen chest rise a few inches off the floor, and proceed to travel 18 inches without the help of any human hand.
“The young girl’s pillow was seen to revolve under her head 50% before returning to its original position. She was also poked and prodded by ’nothing’
“The events also followed her to school where her desk lid kept flapping up and down of its own accord, witnessed in full view of a shocked classroom.
“One another occasion, the young girl Virginia Campbell, approached her teacher’s desk at which point the teacher’s desk lifted up a few inches off the floor, and turned around 90 degrees.”
Malcolm was interviewed about the case and his re-investigation on it. He said: “This case has never been featured on any documentary or visual news piece, this will be the very first time ever, that the British public will see and hear on the television about these most bizarre paranormal disturbances”
The other case that Malcolm spoke about, concerned one of Scotland’s biggest UFO mysteries, The Dechmont Woods UFO incident, which, incidentally Malcolm brought a book out about last year.
He explained: “This case concerned a forestry worker who stumbled across a domed shaped UFO resting 40 feet above the forest floor in some woods near Livingston Central Scotland.
“Two spikey ball shaped devices suddenly dropped down from beneath the object and rolled across the grass towards the startled forester.
“They then attacked him rendering him unconscious. This case was also investigated by the Lothian and Borders police including their forensic department and is the only case in the British Isles that has ever been investigated by the police including their forensic labs.”
Malcolm was interviewed along with a former police detective who worked on the case.
Malcolm said:, “This is one of the best UFO cases in Great Britain, backed up with a police investigation.
“I’m so pleased to have been involved with this BBC One Show project and I’m sure that the people sitting at home will, like me, be amazed at what occurred here. It was also such a pleasure to work with Matt Allwright, host of Rogue Traders and Watchdog, two huge and very successful shows. Matt confided to me that he was a sceptic on such matters but that both these shows had opened up his eyes”
Both these intriguing cases will be featured in an upcoming BBC One Show in a few months time.

Andy Hemsley 

Source News 

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