Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Jupiter sound - 1080 HD.

Source video: Julien Mottet

The Juno space probe, commissioned to enter Jupiter’s orbit for study purposes, some years ago captured strange sounds that could have an extraterrestrial origin. When the probe was installed in the polar orbit and began to transmit information about the planet in relation to its atmosphere, magnetic field and climate. For this reason Juno is one of the most important missions that NASA has carried out in recent years. However, when it crossed the planet’s magnetic field boundary, the WAVES instruments found on board the probe collected strange sounds that were transmitted as radio signals to NASA. Although NASA initially claimed that the sound was produced by an “astrophysical shock” of the arc, the result of the interaction between the magnetic field of a celestial object and the plasma flow generated by the solar wind. However, this is NASA’s version, an explanation so far-fetched that many theorists and ufologists have doubted from the start. Possible alien ship? Although there is no information on how the air currents work in Jupiter, in reality the little known is the information that the Galileo space probe has brought and comes from 1995. Until the probe lasted barely 57 minutes on the surface of Jupiter, before the pressure of the planet destroyed it. It is for this reason that many experts have started to manage the possibility of hiding what really happened in the gas giant. We know that carbon-based life could not survive on a planet like Jupiter, but that does not mean that another life form developed on that planet. Esobiology manages the hypothesis that life forms may exist in the dense atmosphere of over 8000 kilometers deep in Jupiter, which has hydrogen and water. In this way it is believed that the radio waves captured by the Juno probe can be artificially generated by extraterrestrial technology, where a possible spacecraft is not even excluded. Recall that it is not the first time that experts, even members of the scientific community believe that extraterrestrial spacecraft have navigated our Solar System. Could this be the case? Could we have, as in this circumstance, an extraterrestrial civilization already present on Jupiter?

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