Monday, March 2, 2020

Michio Kaku: Escape to a Parallel Universe | Big Think

Source video: Big Think

Source video: BRIGHT SIDE

Like many physicists, Michio Kaku thinks that our universe will end with a “big freeze”. However, unlike many physicists, he thinks that we can avoid this fate by passing into a parallel universe. ”
One of the most fascinating discoveries of our new century may be imminent if the great Geneva HLC could produce a Nano-Blackholes. According to the best physics experts, such nano-blackholes could not be produced with the energy levels that the LHC can generate, but could only be created if a parallel universe provides extra gravitational input. Versions of the Multi-Universe theory suggest that there is at least one other universe very close to ours, perhaps only a millimeter away from us, but we must breach it. “The multiverse is no longer a model, it is a consequence of our models,” says Aurelien Barrau, particle physicist at CERN. “The idea of ​​multiple universes deserves to be taken seriously,” said Aurelien Barrau. There are a number of concurrent theories based on the idea of ​​parallel universes, but the most basic idea is that if the universe is infinite, then everything that could happen has happened, is happening or will happen. The video that I present below (at the end of the article) is from 2011, so a little older but no less interesting for this. The video was published on the Big Think YouTube channel and resumes the Japanese-American scientist Michio Kaku who declares that the only possibility for a humanity of a distant future to survive is to literally escape in a parallel Universe.
According to the scientist, the energy needed to reach a parallel universe could be obtained through the so-called “Planck energy”. It is believed, in fact, that our Universe will make an unpleasant end: the thesis according to which the Universe will expand more and more until it reaches a point where even the same molecules will be literally unpacked is the one currently dominant (called big freeze, it has practically replaced the previous theory which provided for the recompaction, through the force of gravity itself, of the whole Universe until, again, reaching a single point of infinite density as happened in the moment of the Big Bang). We will arrive at a universe in which even the same black holes will evaporate and in which, since there are practically no events anymore (even the fundamental particles will no longer be able to interact because they are disconnected and spaced apart), even time itself will cease to exist. We speak, of course, of a distant future, probably trillions of years away, but Dr. Kaku thought it well to explain, in a few minutes, how to overcome our dimension in order to reach a parallel Universe, a solution seen by the scientist as the It is the only possible way to be able to pass on the concept of humanity to infinity over time.

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