Saturday, September 26, 2020

Bigfoot: The Indian Bogeyman (Part 1) (S5E2)

What is Bigfoot/Sasquatch? Where did the modern "Bigfoot/Sasquatch" come from? Is it a creature, a humanoid, or maybe something paranormal like a demon? UFO Seekers, for the first time, will seek the elusive Legend in the Sequoia National Forest, in the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, of Central California. Hear about real Bigfoot sightings and also the Native American (First Peoples) Legend of the Indian Bogeyman. Let's see what's out there! 
(Part 1 of 2)

UFO Seekers Season 5, Episode 2

Sequoia / Kings Canyon Bigfoot Encounters: 
Tubatulabal Indian Tribe: 

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