Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Middlebury couple observe glowing UFOs along U.S. Route 7


                      Near our Cabins: Middlebury, Vermont

MIDDLEBURY | A Middlebury couple, preferring to remain anonymous, told The Eagle that they observed four, slow-moving "glowing orange globes" while driving north in a car along U.S. Route 7 near the town of Pittsford.

The sighting took place during the evening of Sept. 19. The couple saw the objects at approximately 8:30 p.m. and reported the sighting to local police.


             Middlebury map Map

The Vermont State Police dispatcher in Rutland confirmed to The Eagle that the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were sighted over Rutland County during the evening of Sept. 19 but could not provide specific details beyond what the couple reported. At the time of the sighting, the Vermont Air National Guard was not flying any of its fixed-wing or rotor aircraft, The Eagle learned.

After first sighting the "globes", the couple turned their car around and drove southbound on Route 7 to get a better view.

"The globes were flying in tandem," one of the pair said. "The sky was crystal clear and the stars were visible. But these things weren't stars or planets. They moved slowly and in a distinct pattern and direction. They were not erratic and appeared to be under intelligent control just like regular aircraft."

The couple estimated the disk of each globe to be about the size of four planet Venus's together but much brighter, at arm's length.

Both individuals were unable to estimate the actual size and distance of the objects from their vantage point. From inside the car, with windows open, they could hear no sounds from the objects.

"We watched them for several minutes," the passenger said. "They disappeared, blinked out, after heading to the southwest somewhere over Rutland Town."

The couple said the four objects moved east to west and flew in formation approximately "about 12 inches at arm's length" as seen through the car's windshield. The motion of the objects including brief hovering and then forward travel, they reported.

"They were not helicopters," they said. However, the couple described themselves as skeptics regarding  

UFOs being extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Similar orange globes in the sky have been reported in Vermont.

The website UFO Stalker reported that, on the evening of Aug. 1 of this year, a similar orange object was sighted over Wells, Vermont, also in Rutland County.

The Wells UFO sighting took place on a clear evening at 8:54, similar to the time and conditions described by the Middlebury couple on Sept. 19.

According to the all-volunteer MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, other slow-moving, unexplained glowing reddish-orange orbs were reported by two men in Hartford, Vermont, in June 2017.

Casino.org, a website about gaming and related mathematical odds, reveals that people are most likely to spot a UFO in Vermont over any other state in the nation. The website's editor David Sheldon has compiled data about the likelihood of sighting unidentified flying objects in each of the 50 states. Data recently compiled by Sheldon's team found Vermont to be a fertile locality for UFO reports.

"Bright lights, saucer-shaped objects, triangular craft, orange fireballs are just some of the accounts in reports made by Vermonters describing the unexplained things they've seen in the sky," Sheldon reports. "Vermont may have the best odds of catching a glimpse of a UFO (based on population data, the odds of viewing a UFO are 205-to-1 according to Casino.org), but Wyoming comes in a close second with odds of 250-to-1. The states with the least chances of UFO spotting opportunities: Florida (3,485-to-1), Texas (3,395-to-1), and New York (2,584-to-1)."

 Lou Varricchio 



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