Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Denver Airport employee confirms the existence of an underground military facility


 For the first time, an informant inside the DIA complex confirms the existence of a massive underground military facility located under the Denver airport. Denver International Airport (DIA) is located on a vast 53 square kilometer complex and is owned and operated by the City of Denver. In fact, it is the largest airport in the United States, in terms of land mass collected, and the second largest airport in the world after Saudi Arabia's King Fahd International Airport.The airport "hosts" over 50 million passengers a year and now incorporates a massive new project called "City Airport", an aerotropolis that was publicly unveiled by Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. However, it is interesting to note that the new aerotropolis will integrate an expansive neighborhood with new housing, as well as an agricultural and technical district within the confines of the airport property, in order to attract more revenue to grow Denver's economy. In fact, among Colorado's aerotropolis and booming marijuana industries, DIA may just be the most important thing after sliced ​​bread.

       Denver International Airport Flies Sky-High in U.S. Airport Rankings  Newsroom

The concept is innovative, a first for an airport in America, and is destined to become the envy of other airports around the world. In fact, according to the official website of the City of Denver, in 2010, the DIA and the Denver County Administration made an important decision in the evolution of the DIA itself to fulfill its role as a gateway by inviting businesses from all over the world to make proposals to assist the DIA in planning, evaluating and creating a City Airport as the accelerator and competitive core for the emerging Denver Airport.

                                            Denver International Airport conspiracy theories feature in new signage 

Local residents and other citizens found themselves in a discussion and confrontation with the administration on the new construction and around the airport property, raising the controversy. In fact, since the early stages of construction of the airport, which began in the early 1990s, there have been several reports that something may be in place above or below the grounds of the 53-square-mile complex.7

 The bottom

                                    Deep Underground Military Bases ( D.U.M.B. ) | Underground, Underground  cities, Military base

Some speculate that a deep underground military facility, which would be part of the planned Continuity of Government (COG), is on the site. A huge underground city, which to be used by the US government in case Washington or our central governments are compromised. According to some investigative reports, including one led by former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura, the underground city that sits beneath the airport most likely connects to other deep underground military installations across the country.

Now, a source inside the airport has confirmed for the first time surprising information regarding the underground structure, providing details unknown to airport staff and the general public until now.

Below are the details regarding a deep underground military installation, located based on DIA information, as predicted by the source:

• Level 1 of the airport is inserted into the ground to protect against vibrations coming from below.

• Airport gates and numbers correspond to the emergency action and response plans which indicate specific details for people "who are in the know".
• For unknown reasons in the "United Airlines, Inc." of one of the underground floors, an infectious bio-hazard or a fungal outbreak has placed the quarantined areas outside the subsoil, making them inaccessible to airport staff and staff. The quarantine section of the subway, as confirmed by the informant, is located in lower lateral levels of corridor B to the east.
• The landfill located off Torre Road. two miles west of Terminal Jeppesen was added in early 2000 despite the airports appealing to the District Court against the landfill in 2002, claiming it was a FAA safety hazard.

        DEN Files | Denver International Airport

• A militarized intermediate entrance is located in the “United Airlines” section of the metro. The actual port number was reported by a source with great fear. The current port code is “BE64B” unknown until now to the general public.
• A quick closing and opening door will also allow access to the intermediary entrance of the structure if you have a "specific pass".
• The dirt in some parts of the railway tunnels looks unnatural.
• The exits would be blocked in some sections of the airport in an emergency.
• A tunnel about 3 miles long would be located outside the intermediary entrance "BE64B", for a full-blown Defense Department (DOD) in case of crossing the tunnel, the staff would receive disciplinary sanctions; a militarized entrance, consisting of 5 buildings, would be located in the north-east area of ​​the Jeppesen terminal.
• All important activities generally come from the northwest section of "Corridor C".


Department of Defense Related to airplanes

Thanks to the new information uncovered by intelligence investigators, it can be concluded that, yes, the DOD does indeed have ties to a commercial air carrier operating out of Denver International Airport.

Documents required by a Freedom of the Information Act (FOIA) requested by Investigative in connection with the workshop in 2004 reveal that "United Airlines, Inc." is involved in a DOD "Air Transportation Program" likely linked to the COG. This contract would allow United Airlines to travel with its own airline: VIPs, senators, members of Congress, and elected superiors, including Head of State.

According to the source from inside the facility, a huge pile of dirt was added to an existing landfill in the area, despite a request from the FAA which warned that it was dangerous for travelers and could pose a radar problem. causing a potential disaster. The addition of this landfill was supposed to have taken place over a period of 40-60 years, but instead took place over the course of about 4 years. The dirt pile, which is disguised as an in-plain-sight dump, now exceeds 300 meters in altitude.

An excerpt from the FAA appeal law, "In the risk determination and claim, the FAA found that the Tower Road landfill at its proposed peak" would be in line of sight radar and vehicles [ie, haulers and graders] operating at the landfill cause reflection radars and consequently create false targets “. JA 7.

The determination and the statement do not provide any probative basis for ascertaining "false target". In fact, we can find at most only two pages out of 462 that support this thesis. An FAA aeronautical study reports that Airways radar instrument technicians “have identified the potential for false targets. The current altitude of 5423 'above sea level [above mean sea level], the landfill is below the radar line of sight. At the new height of 5542 'asl, large dump trucks, graders, and other heavy vehicles create the potential to reflect the radar causing false targets…. The impact in this circumstance could occur after an indication of the wrong position for the aircraft. "

In conclusion, it can be said that Denver airport is part of a government continuity program and actually hosts an underground facility.

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