Saturday, October 31, 2020

UFO update – many theories about origin of ‘strange’ lights

 The similar lights spotted from Campbeltown in 2018. 

The similar lights spotted from Campbeltown in 2018.


The unidentified flying object (UFO) featured in last week’s Courier and shared on our Facebook page has caused a bit of a stir, with many suggestions as to what the lights in the photograph could have been.

Some people, including a couple from Campbeltown, claim to have seen similar ‘strange’ lights over Kintyre, some recently and some as long ago as a decade.

The Campbeltown couple, who wished to remain anonymous, sent in photographs of the lights they spotted in the sky while standing on a Kinloch Green path, facing south west, at 1.40am on November 25 2018, which look similar to those spotted from Southend just a few weeks ago.

They said: ‘We saw motionless lights in the distance, in the direction of Drumlemble and Machrihanish. We watched for about five minutes until cloud obscured them.’

Source News 

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