Friday, February 19, 2021

All the UFO cases reported in Staffordshire as NASA searches for life on Mars

A UFO flying through the sky

 There have been some unexplained objects spotted in the skies so maybe there is life out there

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A mission to find life on Mars has taken a giant leap forward after NASA's Perseverance rover probe successfully landed on the surface of the red planet - and the thing on everyone's mind at the moment is there really alien life out there in the universe?

It's a question that divides opinion as many will insist not only is there life out there, but that they have seen UFOs hovering over Earth - even in the Staffordshire area.

After a voyage of seven months and almost 300 million miles, Perseverance has touched down on what scientists believe was once an area covered by a lake. The probe will now be searching for signs that life once existed on the red planet once.

The Mars 2020 mission - which includes the rover and a mini helicopter - is focused on searching for evidence of past (and maybe even present) alien life and the lake bed is thought to be the best chance of answering that question.

And in Staffordshire, alien life may already have paid us a visit, some say, as we take a look back at some of the explained objects which have been spotted in our skies.

Here is what has been reported recently:

In 2020 there were six reports of UFOs in Staffordshire.

On April 22, there was a concern for the welfare of a depressed individual who had reportedly mentioned 'aliens'.

On July 31, a person from Tamworth reported a 'large triangular shaped craft with three creamy white lights under each corner'.

On August 31, 'the shape of a vulcan bomber lit up in white lights, moving very slowly' and was reported in Blythe Bridge.

On October 15, there was a call to the emergency services when an unknown person was talking about 'God' and 'aliens' but refused to give their name and/or location.

On October 25, an intoxicated individual made an abusive call to the police referencing a number of unrelated topics including being abducted by aliens, in Tamworth.

On October 28, there was a concern for safety after a confused and stressed adult from Burton made a number of strange claims including being abducted by aliens.

After a Freedom of Information request from the Express and Star, the force said it had received a report of a UFO in Burton at 3.21am on January 7, 2018.

Police said the caller reported seeing a "UFO in the sky" with a "series of lights on it" while it was stationary.

It is not the first time supposed UFOs are said to have been seen in the skies above Burton and South Derbyshire.

In May 2019, we reported that a flash of blue light lit up the South Derbyshire night sky - leading to theories that it was a UFO sighting.

Speculation was rife on social media, with people claiming to have seen a strange bright blue light in the skies across the past few days, with some people even claiming it could be a sign of extraterrestrial life.

Some speculated it could have been a drone flying overhead, however it was suggested the light was "bigger than a plane".

There was a similar one recorded in August, 2016, with a bizarre blue flash of light.

Helena Kreft

Source News 

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