Thursday, February 25, 2021


solar warden

 Thanks to some UFO researchers, we now know of the existence of a fleet of multiple terrestrial spaceships tasked with monitoring hostile alien traffic in our solar system, ready to defend our solar system in the event of an attack. The fleet in question, called the "Solar Warden" uses much more advanced technology than is now used by the army on the battlefields. 


 Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who passed away in 2016, was the sixth man to set foot on the moon, and is probably one of the most high-profile people to have openly supported the thesis on the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth. He has addressed the subject in several interviews: he has stated that civilizations of other worlds are beyond our solar system and have visited the Earth and that the US government may be in possession of technology taken from alien reverse engineering. In 2001, the famous hacker Gary McKinnon used a number of ingenious techniques to hack many government computers, including (and perhaps not limited to) those of NASA and the United States Navy. In a 2006 interview with Wired, he stated that his primary goal was to search for hidden data on the existence of free energy or zero-point devices. McKinnon specified the discovery of him, during some of his virtual travels, of an excel sheet with a list of names and a heading of 'extraterrestrial officers'. According to a 2006 interview with Project Camelot, another document was listed as 'fleet-to-fleet' transfers. McKinnon was unable to compare the names with any US Navy ships, and deemed them officers from another world, or belonging to a 'Space Navy'.McKinnon told Project Camelot: "If you look at the current and recent Darpa (Agency for Defense Research Projects of the United States) production, everything revolves around the dominance of space, that is the last frontier. So, I think it's natural for them to want to control space and secretly develop a force that goes into space, but I think they're most likely using E.T's (extraterrestrial) reverse engineering technology. ' McKinnon said that when it was discovered he was on the verge of remotely viewing an image of a UFO on a NASA computer in building 8 of the Johnson Space Center. A few months later, in March 2002, the authorities showed up on his doorstep in the UK. Accusations of serious computer piracy have been advanced against him, with the possibility of having to serve a sentence of 70 years and pay a fine of approximately 1 million and 800 thousand euros. However, years after his discovery, the US government's extradition request remained on hold until it was dropped. Project Camelot put forward the hypothesis that McKinnon had an ace up his sleeve - information gathered in the course of his cyber attacks - and that he had used it as leverage against his extradition. McKinnon made no statements about it.The term 'Solar Warden' generically refers to the super secret space fleet. According to the Washington Post, the US black budget for secret programs involving dozens of agencies last year was about € 48 billion. In 2011, the US government spent around € 631 billion more on national defense and internal security. Obviously, much of the money was spent on fighting terrorism, or so they say. Either way, a space fleet with exotic technology and design money could be used, especially if more than one nation were involved and piped money into such a program, as some advocates of disclosure have speculated. Currently, all the various sectors of the US government's military have their own space commandos, such as the Air Force Space Command and the Navy's Space and Naval Warfare System's Command (Spawar). These departments have public sites and help coordinate military ground, air and naval forces. It is unclear whether these departments are linked to the so-called Solar Warden project, or whether the alleged project is independent, with its own secret and isolated department.These programs are probably just an expensive cover for something much larger and more advanced that will only be officially revealed in a few decades. But anyone who doesn't have bacon-covered eyes has already figured it out.

Oliviero Mannucci 

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