Thursday, February 18, 2021

‘UFO’ Spotted In The Skies Above Alicante

‘UFO’ Spotted In The Skies Above Alicante

Image Credit: Red de Investigación Bólidos y Meteoritos (SPMN)

‘UFO’ spotted in the skies above Alicante as residents record a ‘very luminous mysterious object

Residents in Alicante were left baffled early on Tuesday morning, February 16 when a mysterious bright object appeared in the sky above Torres beach in Vila. The Climatology Laboratory of the University of Alicante (UA), which is responsible for analysing all things sky and weather-related in the province, said that they had examined a video shot by Pepe Tonda from La Vila Joiosa of the strange phenomenon.

“Several people have told us that this morning around 7am they sighted a very luminous object in the skies of the province. This video was recorded from Torres beach, in Vila, and the object followed a trajectory west-east. It doesn’t look like a plane or a probe balloon,” the scientists said.

The experts added: “We do not rule out that it is a piece of satellite or space debris, or some reflection. There is also the option of the fireball that some media announced had been seen in other areas of Spain, although they tend to travel faster than what we see here. Let’s see if someone can clarify it more for us.

The post received a host of comments, with users adding their own videos and photos of the mysterious object and their opinions about what it might be. It’s a good start to 2021 anyway, with UFOs and everything.”

Later, experts from the Bolides and Meteorites Research Network (SPMN) dashed hopes that Spain could have been experiencing its first extraterrestrial visitor of 2021, however, when they tweeted that the sighting was simply a flame caused by the Crew Dragon spacecraft which flew over the southeast of Spain on its re-entry into the atmosphere.

Sarah Keane

Source News 

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