Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pentagon and UFO / UAP Disclosure. The "state of the art" ( I TEMPI SONO MATURI )

  UFO sighting: Leaked Pentagon UFO photos show a Batman balloon, internet  argues | Weird | News |

On Sunday 16th May something really interesting happened in the USA. In on the same day, the CBS network broadcast two programs on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), now renamed UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon). 

 This, I say for those who were not yet informed, in view of the first of June, the date set by the outgoing president Donald Trump, as the expiry of the 180 days of time given to the Pentagon to deliver a report to the government on UAPs. In “Sunday Morning” the UFO talk, I will continue to call them that, is presented in a very light way, in a very Hollywood way I would say, with a lot of movie scenes. E.T, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Star Wars, (I wonder why there wasn't even a Cocoon scene, it was so nice as a movie). Then the good UFO researcher Leslie Kean is made to speak, who says what she must say competently and precision. A service therefore acceptable. 


After all, it is better not to expose concepts that are too elaborate at that time. In USA it's Sunday morning, and many families watch TV casually, between pancakes, muffin  and a cup of coffee, or a glass of orange juice, bacon, eggs, and the hustle and bustle that characterizes a Sunday morning in a average American family with ravenous children that roaming the kitchen. This service is the prelude to "60 Minutes" another very popular CBS program in the US. But that it will air in the evening. While in Italiy, (I am Italian and  I apologize for my english but I'm learning yet ) a report on UFOs on TG1 is broadcast by state TV RAIUNO, which is the ugly photocopy of the one broadcast on "Sunday Morning". Usual Hollywood scenes of UFO films and then ... the pearl of the journalist who defines the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) IAP (Inanimate Aerial Phenomena).  


Because you must know, that for the journalists of the TG1 editorial staff, professional journalists of RAI TV, the UFOs in the sky are frozen there, as if they were geostationary satellites and do not whiz at incredible speeds, they are just standing still. This makes us understand how much the incompetence of those who inform in Italy is, and the total ignorance on the subject. They could have interviewed someone knowledgeable on the subject, as CBS did with Leslie Kean, and get advice on what to say; but no, they preferred to do their job badly, talking about Inanimate Aerial Phenomena (IAP and not UAP) and this makes it clear, how much ignorance in Italy, that  information that says to fight the Fake News. But how do you know what fake news is if you don't know what you are saying?  


Anyway, in the USA, evening arrives, and on CBS  “60 Minutes” is broadcast, which as a competence is light years ahead (just to stay on the subject ET) compared to the news on TG1. The good and calm anchorman after a brief introduction begins to involve the various "actors" of the ufological scene of recent years. Watch the video, and you will surely recognize them. Everything flows pretty well. And in fact the episode went very well, it was seen by millions of Americans on CBS and by millions of people on You Tube. The only drawback is when a photograph of a UFO is shown, taken by a fighter pilot flying over the Atlantic Ocean. A UFO that resembles one of those Batman balloons that are bought to screaming children to make them feel safe  otherwise they should be bound and gagged. The image taken by the pilot is very clear, despite the speed of the Jet from which it was taken, despite having been taken with an I Phone, and despite having been taken through the glass of the cockpit of the Jet. A photo successful, difficult to obtain in such uncomfortable conditions, a sign that the UFO photographed was not a Batman balloon, given the distance at which it was at the time of shooting, which would have required, due to its small size, very different conditions to be photographed so well. It is therefore a rather large UFO and not a balloon, as many skeptics on the subject UFO (in extinction by now) insist on saying (the American state will set up reserves for them where they can live protected by the community of ufologists it would like to do of them canned meat). So, finally, we have an image of a UFO or UAP and not of IAP, which is very clear, which does not give rise to doubts. How is it presented? Deliberately out of focus! Why this? I tried, on Twitter, to forward my question to the producer of the program "60 Minutes" but at this moment I have not yet received an answer. I'm talking about an explicit answer then because the implicit one is clear. Someone from above did not want the original image to be shown. Maybe Batman! Which he didn't want everyone to see his newest and most secret spaceship. What do you want to do, it takes patience. However, CBS has done a great service to the entire American and international UFO community. We can certainly say that a change is taking place or at least we can hope so. Cheers!

Oliviero Mannucci


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