Saturday, June 26, 2021

Letter: Relating to extraterrestrials ( Tulsa Word )


                                          Klaatu – Modular Station

It’s sometimes forgotten that UFOs — unidentified flying objects — don’t include the words alien, intelligent beings or visitors from outer space.We skip past the “unidentified” part, but then we try to figure out the motives of these extraterrestrials and whether they intend harm or not.Unfortunately, we don’t know because none of these UFOs have landed with little green men asking to see our leader.
A number of UAEs — unidentified aerial phenomena (the military’s version of UFOs) — seen and recorded by Navy and Air Force pilots were investigated by the U.S. Defense Department.
The report’s findings are inconclusive. In other words, they don’t know what these things are either ("'There is stuff': Enduring mysteries trail US report on UFOs," June 5).Being human, we tend to anthropomorphize so-called intelligent beings. Their bodies are symmetrical, with two arms and two legs and maybe a big head or a badly wrinkled face, as in "Star Trek" or "Star Wars." They are more relatable that way. And, most of them, conveniently, speak English. In the 1951 movie “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” a flying saucer lands in Washington, D.C., and its captain, Klaatu (played by Michael Rennie) asks to see our leader. He brought along a robot named Gort, which can destroy the Earth. But when Klaatu is killed, a boarding house owner (played by Patricia Neal) has to tell Gort, “Klaatu barada nikto” otherwise it will destroy the Earth. So, the next time a pilot sees a UFO, maybe they should transmit the phrase "Klaatu barada nikto," and maybe they will leave.

Herb Van Fleet 

Source News 

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