Friday, June 4, 2021

Retired Navy Physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee Predicts UAP Task Force Will Confirm Non-Human Intelligence ( The Black Vault )


      Retired Navy Physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee Predicts UAP Task Force Will  Confirm Non-Human Intelligence - The Black Vault Case Files

The following is an article written by Dr. Bruce Maccabee. It is published here, with permission, and is posted here for archival reasons. The Black Vault does not endorse the below, but rather, offers it here for discussion.

The below is written by Dr. Bruce Maccabee:



The origin(s) of these NHI is (are) unknown but they may come from other planets using transportation technology based on very advanced physical principles.

President Joe Biden of the U.S.A. and leaders of other countries may find it necessary to develop a single, uniform, world-wide policy for co-existing and interacting with NHI. The policy should be world-wide because allowing various countries to develop their own policies could result in some form of disaster.

If the NAVY TASK FORCE discovers that some UAP are evidence for NHI, the Task Force will, I presume, write an unclassified report (with classified appendix, if needed) ready for publication. However, it might be that the policy makers in the Administration, when confronted with the UAPTF report, might decide to withhold all or part of the unclassified report because of a perceived negative impact on the citizens of the USA and other countries.

The “Yes or No” policy for releasing the report would be based, in part, upon whether the Task Force determines that they “love” us (for example, if they made us or we are “pets”), “hate” us (for example, if they view us as a potential danger to them or their activities) or are indifferent to us (for example, they do whatever they want to do and ignore us as long as we don’t get in their way).

The release policy  may also be based partially on the determination that “they” are as curious about us as we are about them.  An example of this possibility is the series of radar and visual sightings made during the early morning of December 31, 1978 about twenty miles off the east coast of the South Island of  New Zealand.

Wellington Air Traffic Control radar, located at the south end of the North Island detected unknown radar “targets” (radar reflective objects) that seemingly traveled along with a freighter aircraft that was flying south to Christchurch, a city on the east side of the South Island, about 160 miles south-southwest of Wellington. One such target approached the airplane in a sort of stepwise manner, ultimately getting so close to the airplane that the radar could not separate the unknown target from the airplane target. As the radar operator told the plane, “There’s a strong target right in formation with you now…could be left or right … Your target has doubled in size.”  This radar event is referred, in the more detailed recounting below, as the “Double Sized Target” event.  After about 30 seconds the unknown target moved away and the airplane target reduced to normal size.  (Further details are given below.)

The action of the unknown, temporarily getting very close to the plane, appears to have been deliberate.  There were, after all, plenty of places for the unknown to be besides near the airplane. So, this raises the question, why did it get so close to the airplane? Curiosity could be one answer and an intent to scare the people in the airplane might be another answer.  Either answer would be consistent with NHI as being the cause of the unknown targets.



Starting in the latter 1940’s military personnel and citizens in all countries and in all walks of life began reporting unusual objects traveling through the sky. They came to be known as unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Hundreds of reports per year from 1947 through 1969 were collected and analyzed by three U. S. Air Force projects , SIGN (1948), GRUDGE (1949 – 1951) and the well-known PROJECT BLUE BOOK (1952 – 1969).

After studying some 13,000 reports BLUE BOOK concluded that most could be explained as ordinary phenomena that were misperceived but that 701 resisted explanation because of their non-aerodynamic shapes (sphere, disc, cylinder), because of the absence of recognizable features (wings, stabilizers, fuselage, propellers, jet engines), because of their ability to hover  with no recognizable means of support (anti-gravity?) and extreme dynamics (high acceleration leading to extreme speed – thousands of miles per hour –  being achieved in a second  or less).  BLUE BOOK then claimed, without proof, that the reports of these 701 sightings were faulty or incomplete and that if they (USAF investigators) had had more information about them they, too, could have been explained.

After BLUE BOOK closed in 1969 the Air Force responded to queries by handing out a “Fact Sheet” that said that after investigating thousands of sightings it had found nothing that was a threat to the United States and nothing indicating that reports of UAP were evidence of an advanced technology or Non-Human Intelligence (NHI).


More recently there have been sightings by U.S. Navy fighter pilots and sailors who have detected and tracked UAP using modern radar and optical devices. The Navy has confirmed that the UAP are unknown objects or phenomena. The new radar and observational data confirm what has been reported ever since the first UFO sightings in the late spring of 1947, namely that these objects can undergo extreme acceleration and reach very high speeds.  They can also hover above ground despite the lack of observable means for support such as rotating blades as on a helicopter.

The most intriguing question is, could these objects or phenomena, at least some of them, be evidence that the Earth is being visited by Non-Human Intelligences (NHI) that travel around by means of various technologically advanced Alien Transportation Vehicles (ATV)?

In order to answer this question the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), responding to direction by Congress, has set up a task force (the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, UAPTF) to collect and analyze reports of UAP/UFO sightings and prepare an unclassified report for publication.

The Navy can be commended for “taking the bull by the horns” and setting up a program to tackle the above question “head on.” However, investigations and analyses of many unclassified reports by civilians (and military) over the last 70 years have already led many investigators to conclude that at least some of the reports of UAP are evidence of NHI. The Task Force is likely to confirm this conclusion based on their studies of classified (and unclassified) sightings.


A prime example of a civilian sighting that can be explained by assuming the UAP was controlled by NHI is the “Double Sized Target” (DST) radar sighting that occurred in New Zealand during the early morning hours of Sunday, December 31, 1978.

The DST radar sighting is one of a series of radar and visual sighting events that occurred between 0015 (15 minutes after midnight) and 0100 (1:00 a.m.) local time as an Argosy four engine freighter aircraft flew southward along a well-traveled air route carrying newspapers from Wellington to Christchurch. These sightings are unique for the quantity and quality of data available. There were five witnesses on the plane and two at the Wellington Air Traffic Control Center (WATCC). The WATCC recorded all the (audio) communications between the WATCC and the plane. This made possible a time-accurate reconstruction of the sighting events that occurred during the flight.

There were numerous sightings, both radar and visual, during this flight.  However, only radar sightings related to the DST event are presented here.  Information on the many other sightings is presented at where you scroll down to paragraphs 29, 30 and 41.

The Double Sized Target sighting occurred as the airplane was flying southward at 14,000 ft and 215 knots (215 kt or about 250 mph or about 4 statute miles per minute; from here on distances are in nautical miles – nm – which are about 15% larger than statute miles, and speeds are in nm/hr or kt). The plane was about 90 nm south of WATCC which was following the airplane with its search radar that swept a narrow (about 2 degree wide) beam around the sky every 12 seconds (5 revolutions per minute). If a radar-reflective object, such as an airplane, were “hit” by the beam, reflected radar power would cause a short bright arc of light, a “target,” to appear on the circular radar display. During the next rotation of the radar beam another bright arc would appear at a short distance from the previous arc, a short distance because the plane could only travel a short distance, about 0.6 miles, during the 12 seconds. When a bright arc appeared on the display its brightness would decrease rather slowly with time so that at any time, for a particular “target,” there would be a line or trail of short arcs of diminishing brightness indicating where the target object was at the most recent rotation (the brightest arc) and where it had been during previous rotations.  Thus the series of arcs indicated where the target had been and the direction it was heading.

The above description of what would appear on the radar display applies to normal targets (e.g., airplanes). However, on this particular night the radar operators saw what they called “weird targets” that didn’t create lines of arcs. Instead they saw the following: as the radar beam swept around it would detect a single target and create an arc at some location on the radar screen. When the beam swept past the location again there would be only the previous (fading) arc and  no new arc indicating that the target was no longer at that location. However, there would be an arc at some other location many miles away where there hadn’t been an arc before, suggesting that the target had traveled many miles to a new location during the 12 second rotation.

In early 1979, during the initial analysis of these sightings, targets that were “arcs without tracks,” were assumed to be some sort of weather-caused anomalies (“radar angels”) and that these anomalies appeared randomly around the plane. Little thought was given to the possibility that these anomalies actually traveled large distances in 12 seconds, which would imply that the weird targets were able to undergo high acceleration and achieve very high speeds, a capability beyond that of any weather anomaly.

However, the recent Navy sightings of radar targets that achieve high acceleration and high speed suggest that the radar targets seen in New Zealand should be re-evaluated since they were of the same nature as the Navy targets. That would imply that we can learn something about objects reported by the Navy by studying the reported activities of the New Zealand unknown objects/targets.


Between 0015 and 0027 (24 hour time in minutes past midnight), as the plane flew southward, WATCC reported  six weird radar targets at various times and at various distances and directions relative to the location of the plane. Then, at 0027, WATCC reported to the plane, “Target is at 12:00 at 3 miles.” (Directions are given as clock face times.) The air crew responded immediately, “Thank you. We pick it up. It’s got a flashing light.” This sighting by itself is extraordinary since, according to WATCC, there were no other planes in the sky south of Wellington and there were no known sources of light directly ahead of the plane. (There were the lights of the Japanese squid fishing fleet about a hundred miles east of them, but they were recognized by the air crew.)

At about 0028 WATCC reported that there were targets 10 nm to 15 nm behind the plane. Of course, the air crew couldn’t see them. At about 0029 ½ WATCC told the plane that there was a target at 6:00 at 4 nm (behind them). At 0030 WATCC told the plane that there was a “further” target at 3:00 (to their right) at 4 nm. (If this latter target was the same object as the previous one, then it traveled about 5 ½ nm in ½ minute or about 660 kt, three times faster than the plane.)

Then came the most surprising radar event, the Double Sized Target. At about 30 minutes and 45 seconds after midnight WATCC reported to the plane as follows: “There’s a strong target right in formation with you now…could be left or right … your target has doubled in size.” According to the radar operators the motion of the DST, as displayed on the radar screen, was exactly what one would expect if two airplanes were flying side by side at the same speed and separated by a short distance (actual distance not known; perhap less than a mile),

Both the radar operators and the air crew waited with some trepidation to see what would happen next!

Finally, at about 0031:30 (30 seconds past 0031) WATCC reported, “Your target has reduced to normal size” (They could now exhale.).

Because of the radar sweep rate, 12 seconds per rotation, it is not possible to determine exactly the duration of the DST, but it was at least 36 seconds, enough time to rule out any explanation other than that for a time the airplane had a traveling companion. (The plane was flying in a straight line so the increase in radar target size was not due to a change in orientation of the plane.)

About a minute and a half after being told that the airplane target was the normal size the plane reported to WATCC, “Got a target at 3:00 just behind us.” WATCC responded immediately, “Yes, and going around to 4:00 now, at 4 miles.” About a minute later WATCC reported a target at 5:00 at 10 miles. About 40 seconds later WATCC reported that the same target was at 6:00, directly behind the plane, that it was at 15 miles distance and that it had been joined by two other stationary targets! Shortly after that the three targets were replaced by a single target that was larger than the airplane target. Several minutes after this the plane began its descent to land at Christchurch and there were no more radar incidents during the flight south. (There were radar and visual incidents while the plane flew north to Blenheim later but there was no double sized airplane target.)

The DST incident is uniquely important because it shows that there was more to these radar targets than mere existence. The existence of these targets might, in some way, be attributed to short lived atmospheric phenomena and, in fact, skeptics who have studied these sightings have attributed the “weird targets” to fluctuations in the turbulent flow of air as it blows eastward over the jagged mountain peaks of the South Island of New Zealand. But turbulence-generated radar targets are weak targets, they appear at random times and random locations and they don’t move rapidly, certainly not as rapidly as an airplane.

The motions, if any, of turbulence generated radar targets do not give the appearance of intent. Yet the target that moved along with the plane did give evidence of intent, such as an intent to “move closer for a better look at the airplane.”  Intent is a characteristic of intelligence.

The motions of this target also indicate curiosity, which is another characteristic of intelligence.

These weird radar targets weren’t controlled by humans.  We may therefore conclude that these targets, and, by extension, the targets detected by the Navy, were controlled by Non-Human Intelligences or … aliens.

Jhon Greenewald 

Source News 

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